Ahab meets Elijah on mt. Carmel

After 3 years of drought God says to Elijah “show thyself to Ahab.” I Kings 18:1-15.

Elijah meets Obadiah a God fearing man & tells him to go tell Ahab Elijah is here.

Elijah tells Ahab to gather the prophets of Baal and meet him at mount Carmel.

Elijah’s challenge to the prophets of Baal to sacrifice to Baal.

Elijah’s sacrifice. God answers Elijahs prayer.

After God’s fire consumes the sacrifice and the false prophets are killed, Elijah prays to God and the rain comes.

Jezebel vows to kill Elijah. Elijah goes to mount Horeb.

Below is the Audio message.

Below is the underlined link to click on to see the original hand written notes.

Ahab meets Elijah on Mt. Carmel

Ahab meets Elijah on mt. Carmel

Elijah flees from Jezebel


Elijah & the widow of Zarephath