Sacrificing youth-Ashera worship
Jephthah's Daughter
Sacrificing youth is becoming rampant today.
Setting: period of the Judges. One of the darkest periods in Israel’s history.
Jephthah was one of the Judges of Israel. His daughter was his only child.
The Israelites ask him to lead them in the war against the Ammonites.
He makes a vow to God that he regrets--Judges Chapters 10&11. God gives him victory over the Ammonites. Jephthah sacrifices his daughter.
Israel adopted worship of Baal, Ashera(Ashtoreth), and Molech..
Ashera is the goddess of child sacrifice.
Human sacrifice was forbidden by God. Lev. 20:2..
Resurgence of sacrificing youth is occurring today due to the following:
Social media.
Educational system.
Gender identity.
Dramatic increase in youth suicide.
Sacrificing the unborn.
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Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes 1982.
Link to original hand written notes
Posted on Facebook May 9 & June 28, 2024.