Divine tears-Jesus wept

The Gospels record Jesus weeping three times. Why did Jesus weep?

Jesus wept after seeing Mary and Martha the sisters of Lazarus weeping. John Ch. 11.

  1. Mary, Martha and Lazarus were dear friends of Jesus at Bethany near Jerusalem.

  2. Lazarus becomes ill. His sisters alert Jesus. vs. 1-5.

  3. Jesus delays his coming. vs. 6-7, 11-15, 17.

  4. Martha meets Jesus. vs. 20-27.

  5. Martha sends for Mary. vs. 28-32.

  6. Jesus sees Mary and her friends weeping. Jesus “groaned in the spirit, and was troubled. vs. 33-34.

  7. Jesus wept. vs 35.

  8. Jesus prays to the Father and raises Lazarus from the dead. Many of the Jews believed on him. vs. 38-45.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Mentioned only in the gospel of Luke 19:41-42.

  1. Jesus’s last public ministry in Jerusalem. John 11:55, 12:1& 9-11.

  2. Jesus’s triumphal entry. Luke 19:29-30, 35-40.

  3. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Luke 19:41.

  4. Jesus predicts the fall of Jerusalem. Luke 19:42-44.

  5. The first Jewish revolt against Rome was in 66 AD.

  6. In 70 AD at the time of Passover the Romans conquered Jerusalem, Massacred most of the population and destroyed the second temple.

Jesus shed tears of blood at Gethsemane. Matthew 26:36-46. Luke 22:42-44.

  1. The agony in the Garden of Gethsemane was after the Last Supper & before his betrayal.

  2. Jesus steps away from the disciples to pray alone. He falls on his face and prays. Matthew 26:36-39.

  3. He returns to the disciples, finds them sleeping and says watch and pray. Matthew 26:40-41.

  4. He steps away a second time and prays again. Matthew 26:42.

  5. He came back and found them sleeping again. Matthew 26:43.

  6. He steps away and prays the third time. Matthew 26:44.

  7. Jesus prays in agony to the Father, an angel appears to strengthen him. Luke 22:43.

  8. Being in agony, he prays more earnestly and “his sweat was as great drops of blood falling to the ground” Luke 22-44.

Jesus was “touched with the feelings of our infirmities.” Hebrews 4:14-15.

  1. Jesus, our great High Priest intercedes for us to God. vs. 14.

  2. He was touched with the feelings of our infirmities…tempted as we are, yet without sin. vs. 15.

  3. Jesus the suffering Savior. Isaiah 53:3-6.

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Divine Tears-Jesus wept

Posted on Facebook Aug. 28, 2024.

Divine tears-Jesus wept

God’s Amazing Creation


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