Joseph to Egypt
Joseph, Jacob’s favored son, was sold by his envious brothers to Ishmeelite merchants who took him to Egypt. Gen. 37:19-28.
Joseph, husband of Mary mother of Jesus instructed by the Angel of the Lord to take Baby Jesus to Egypy because King Herod wanted to kill Him. Matthew 2:13-15.
After King Herod dies Joseph is instructed to return Jesus and Mary to the land of Israel a fullfillment of the prophesy “out of Egypt have I called my Son”. Hosea 11:1
Baby Jesus to Egypt.
There is a separate post of Baby Jesus to Egypt.
Egypt was a sanctuary for Jacob and extended family of 70 persons during the famine years and allowed them to multiply and become a great nation. Gen. 45:17-18, 25-28 and Gen.46:1-7, 27.
Egypt was a sanctuary for Abraham during a famine: Genesis 12:10.
Egypt was a sanctuary for Jesus during the reign of King Herod. Matthew 2:19-23.
Audio message below.
Posted on Facebook June 17, 2024.