House of Prayer for All People

God’s universal invitation to His House of Prayer including the Stranger and the Eunuch. Isaiah 56:1-8.

Jesus reaching out to those who respond to Him.

God desires the lost and needy to come to him.

  1. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters…Isaiah 55:1

  2. Incline your ear, come unto me, hear and your soul shall live…Isaiah 55:3.

God welcomes the Stranger and the Eunuch to the House of Prayer. Isaiah 56:1-8

  1. The stranger is the Gentile, a stranger to the house of Israel.

  2. Eunuch is a male that has been emasculated to serve a master in the ancient Middle East, emasculated voluntarily or born that way. Eunuchs were generally outcasts, excluded from the Jewish priesthood.

  3. God’s House of Prayer was the Temple of worship. Jesus refers to it as The House of Prayer in Matthew 21:12-14.

  4. God will accept their sacrifices and their prayers on His altar. Isaiah 56:7.

  5. God will gather the outcasts of Israel, and will also gather others to Him. Isaiah 56:8.

  6. I will say to them who are not my people, thou art my people…and they will say Thou art my God. Hosea 2:23.

Gentile women that came to faith in Jehovah God in the Old Testament.

  1. Rehab the Harlot in Jerico. She became a parts of the geniology of Christ. Joshua 2:3-6,9-12 & Matt. 1:5.

  2. Ruth the Moabitis who says to her mother-in-law Naomi: Your God shall be my God. Ruth 1:16. She also becomes a part of the geniology of Christ. Matt. 1:5-6.

The apostle Paul addresses God’s non-selective grace and mercy in dealing with mankind. Romans 9:23-26

  1. God makes known His prepared grace and mercy to those He calls His people which were not His people.

  2. To those He has called both Jews and Gentiles.

Below is the audio message

Below is the typed notes pdf

House of Prayer for All People.pdf

Spoken at King of Glory Church 5/26/24

Posted on Facebook 5/26/24

House of Prayer for All People

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