Is God still speaking to man
See that ye refuse not Him that speaketh…” Hebrews 12:25
God spoke to man through out history from Adam to Noah, Abraham, Moses and the prophets in the Old and New Testament..
God spoke to Moses from mount Sinai. Ex. ch. 19.
God spoke when Jesus was baptized. Mt. 3:17. This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
Hebrews 12:18-28
Christ spoke to men and women face to face during His earthly ministry.
God speaks today through His Word and the Holy Spirit.
God speaks through the Word. Both Old testament and New Testament.
It has been said "The new is in the old contained, the old is in the new explained.
Augustine through his writings has influenced the church more than any man since the apostle Paul.
In his youth he was a profligate. His mother Monica was a Godly woman. He went to Rome and later
to Milan.
One day he was sitting in a garden in agony of mind. He heard a voice saying "take the book and read"
He believed it was the voice of God and immediately began to study the Word of God.
Later he discovered that it was a young girl arguing with a friend.
Martin Luther a pious monk was climbing a long stairs as an act of penance. He heard a voice "the just
shall live by faith.
It was the voice of memory speaking the Word of God. Luther jumped to his feet and entered into the
light of salvation
How is one to know the voice of God?
The voice of God is always reasonable. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden. I will give
you rest.”
The voice of God is always kind. Peter denied him. Paul persecuted Him. The prodigal was welcomed
by his father.
God's voice is consistent.
God's voice is the voice of power. Healing the centurian's servant. Raising the widow's son.
Below is the audio recording of the message.
Below is link to click on for original hand written notes.