Lazarus come forth
Loose him and let him go.
Raising of Lazarus from the dead. John 11:1-7 & 32-44.
Setting: Bethany a town east of Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives where the house of Lazarus and his sisters Mary & Martha. They were friends of Jesus whom Jesus visited many times on his way to Jerusalem.
Martha was the house keeper. Mary was rhe affectionate spiritual one-Jesus’s best listner.
The event: Lazarus became seriously ill.
Jesus was in Perea, 1-2 days away from Bethany. Jesus was preaching and healing the sick.
Message sent to Jesus that Lazarus is very ill, hoping Jesus would come & heal him.
Jesus had raised Jayrus’s daughter from the dead. Mark 5:35-43 & a widows son. Luke 7:17
Jesus delays his coming 4 days. Lazarus had died and was buried.
Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus.
Jesus wept after he saw Mary and Marthas’s agony. John 11:32-35.
Jesus tells Martha “take away the stone”.
Jesus prays to the Father and says “LAZARUS COME FORTH”. One of the greatest shouts of the ages.
Lazarus came out of the tomb. John 11:43-44.
Below is the audio message
Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes.
Posted on Facebook March 18, 2025.