Jesus is our Way to God

Jesus is the believer’s High Priest who brings the believer to God. Hebrews Chapter 3.

Christ Jesus the Apostle and High Priest of our profession. Vs. 1.

Jesus compared to Moses the Law Giver, Vs 2-11.

  1. Moses was a faithful servant.

  2. Christ is the Son over His Own House who we are.

  3. The childern of Israel rebelled against Moses and God and tempted Him over 40 yrs, therefore they were denied entrance into the promised land or to enter into God’s Rest.

Warning to the Brethren. Vs. 12-18.n

  1. Take heed lest you depart from the Living God. Vs.12.

  2. Do not be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Vs.13

  3. Hear His Voice and “Harden Not Your Hearts, As In The Provocation.” Vs.15- Israel in the wildernesss under Moses hardened their hearts and provoked God.

  4. See that you fail to enter into God’s rest because of unbelief. Unbelief prevents Israel entering into God’s Rest. Vs.18.

Below is the link to the notes and audio messages of the entire Epistle of Hebrews.

Jesus is our Way to God

Living by Faith


God’s Final Revelation