Message Notes Bible Chapel

Original hand written notes of messages given at Northside Bible Chapel, Kechi, KS.

Messages given at the Wednesday night Bible study or Church Sunday School between the years 1998 and 2016. The notes are not in chronological order.

Below are the underlined links to the original hand written notes.

Nrthside Bible Chapel pdf1

Nrthside Bible Chapel pdf2

Northside bible Chapel pdf3

Nrthside Bible Church pdf4

Below is the audio message Jesus on the way to the cross. Below is one of those messages.

This message refers to:

  1. Abraham told to go and sacrifice his son Isaac.

  2. Abraham’s saying to Isaac: “God will provide himself the lamb.”

  3. Jesus is the “Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world.”

Message Notes Bible Chapel

Christ the Fullness of God


The struggle to do Right