The first Church persecuted

Jesus establishes the church. Acts 1:1-9.

After His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers. Acts 1:3.

They ask Him a surprising question: “Wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdom of Israel?” Acts 1:6.

Jesus’s surprising response-God’s eternal plan. Acts 1:7-8 promises them that the Holy Spirit will come and empower them to be “witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the world.”

Jesus established the first church.

Jesus then ascended to heaven. Acts 1:9-11.

The gathering of the early church. Acts 1:12-14.

The coming of the Holy Spirit (Day of Pentecost). Acts. 2:1-13.

Peter preached to the people. Acts 2:14-28.

The respose of the people. Acts 2:37-41.

The lame man healed. Acts Ch.3:1-9.

The Jewish leaders imprison Peter & John. Acts 4:1-22.

Peter & John released and report to the church. Ch.4:23.

The believers response: Ch.4:24-37.

Below is the Audio message.

Below is the link to the typed notes

The First Church persecuted.pdf

Below is the underlined link to the original hand written notes

First Church persecuted

The first Church persecuted

Balaam the pagan prophet


Colossian Church Conflict