The Suffering Savior Notebook

Below is a list of the messages in the hand written notebook of the Suffering Savior given in a Sunday School series.

  1. Brief overview of the ministry of Jesus from His baptism to his crucifiction and resurrection.

  2. Introduction to the messages.

  3. The announcement: Christ will be delivered, crucified, and rise again. The voluntary sacrifice.

  4. Group dicussion topics.

  5. Entry into Jerusalem.

  6. Preparation for the Passover. History of the Passover.

  7. The Last supper-annointing at the last supper.

  8. On the road to Gethsemane.

  9. Jesus at Gesthsemane.

  10. The Disciples at Gethsemane.

  11. The assault and capture of Jesus. I am He.

  12. Christ before Annas.

  13. The fall of Peter.

  14. Christ before Pilate.

  15. Jesus before Harod Agrippa.

  16. Christ before Pilot the second time.

  17. The scourging of Jesus.

  18. The way to the Cross.

  19. Christ arrives at Golgotha.

  20. Christ crucified.

  21. Christ’s seven statements on the Cross.

  22. The signs that followed His death.

  23. The risen Lord.

Click on the underlined link below to see the hand written notes of the notebook the Suffering Savior messages.

book of notes-the Suffering Savior

The Suffering Savior Notebook

That I may know Him


Notebook Sunday School