Parable of the great feast

A certain man made a great super and invited many. Luke14:16-20

  1. The invited quests did not show up at the time of the supper.

  2. The host sends a servant to plead with the invited guests.

  3. Each of the invited guests makes an excuse and declines to come.

Reaction of Host of the great super. Luke 14:21-23

  1. He is angered by the invited guests excuses and their refusal to come to the supper.

  2. He sends his servant to the streets and lanes of the city to bring in the poor, the maimed, the halt & the blind.

  3. The servant does as commanded and said to the Host: Lord there is still room.

  4. The Lord sends his servant to the highways and hedges to compell them to come, that my house may be filled.

  5. The Full House will include all who are in need.

The Host’s final judgement of the invited guests. Luke 14:24. The invited guests are excluded from the great supper.

The reason Jesus spoke this parable.

  1. It was a response to the statement made by a man that had sat with Jesus when Jesus had gone into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread. Luke 14:15.

  2. Jesus noted that those invited “chose the chief rooms(the best seats).” Jesus reprimanded them. Luke 14:7-14.

Jesus’s interpretation of the parable. Luke 14:26-27.

  1. To become a disciple of Jesus, one must set aside the things of the world, including his own life.

  2. He must bear up his cross.

  3. He must follow Jesus.

Below is the hymn “I follow Jesus”

I will follow Jesus

Below is the message audio

Below is the link to the typed notes

Parable of the great feast.pdf

Parable of the great feast

God’s Message to Cyrus King of Persia


Expansion of the Church