Women ministering to Jesus
When the Savior was come many women rejoiced in Him.
Prophetess Anna welcoming Jesus
“I will now speak on the behalf of women, to take away their reproach. For as death and the curse came into the world by a woman, so also did life and health: God sent forth His Son, made of a woman…that when the Saviour came, women rejoiced in him before either man or angel.” PILGRIMS PROGRESS page 327.
The first woman to welcome Jesus before His conception is Mary His mother. Luke 1:26-35&46-50.
The first woman to welcome Jesus before His birth is Elizabeth the wife of the priest Zachariah. She becomes the mother of John the Baptist. Luke1:39-46.
Women that followed Jesus and ministerd to Him with their substance during His early life, His ministry, death and resurrection.
Anna a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel which was at the temple when baby Jesus was brought to be circumcised. Luke 2:36-39.
The sinful woman that washed Jesus’s feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed and annointed his feet. Luke 7:36-50. Jesus welcomed the sinner and rebuked Simon the self-righteous pharisee.
Certain woman, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene out of whom went seven devils, Joana the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna and many others, which ministered unto Him of their substance. Luke 8:2-3.
The woman of Samaria that brought the men of Samaria to see Jesus. John 4:3-11,13-26,28-30,39.
Mary the sister of Lazarus, the woman that annointed his body for the burial. John 12:1-3.
Women that wept when Jesus was on the way to the cross. Luke 23:26-27.
Women that sat by Jesus’s sepulchre when He was buried. Luke 23:46,50-56.
The first person to speak with Jesus after His resurrection. John 20:1,11-18. Mary Magdalene goes early the first day of the week to the sepulchre.
Women that were first to bring tidings to the disciple of Jesus that He was risen from the dead. Luke 24:1-10.
Below is the message audio
Below is the underlined link to the typed notes
Posted on facebook May 12, 2024.