Uniqueness of Luke’s Gospel

Distinctiveness of the Gospel of Luke

Uniqueness of the man Luke.

  1. Luke was a Greek physician and scholar.

  2. Luke is the only gentile author of a book in the Bible.

  3. Luke is the author of the Gospel of Luke and of the Book of Acts, written in the same most literary style.

  4. Luke was a disciple of the Apostle Paul as was Timothy. Paul refers to Luke as “coworker” & “beloved physician.”

  5. Luke probably came to faith in Christ at the church in Antioch.

  6. Both the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts are addressed to most excellent Theophilus. Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1.

  7. Since Luke was not involved in the ministry of Jesus, he interviewed those that knew Jesus and witnessed the ministry of Jesus.

Events mentioned only in the Gospel of Luke.

  1. Maternal geniology of Jesus.

  2. Luke has 18 parables only mentioned in Luke including the Good Samaritan, the 10 lepers cured with only the Samaritan returning to Jesus, the lost sheep, the prodigal son(Luke 10:25-37, 15:4-7, 15:11-32).

  3. Women receive special attention in Luke’s gospel. Women followed Jesus from His trial to the cross(Ch. 23:49). Jesus’s first appearance to women(24:1-11).

  4. Luke shows Jesus’s special interest in the poor, the outcasts, the tax collectors, the crippled and the poor. He healed and cared for them(14:12-14).

  5. Luke emphasizes that Jesus is God becoming man(Luke 3:2-5, and 6).

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Uniqueness of Luke's Gospel

Uniqueness of Luke’s Gospel

Assertive women Old Testament


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