Assertive women Old Testament
From Eve to Jezebel.
Eve to Adam
Eve the mother of humanity.
Satan in the form of a serpent decieves Eve. Gen. 3:1-6.
Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam and he ate it.
God called unto Adam who was in hiding and said where art thou? Ge. 3:9-11.
God’s judgement and mercy. Gen. 3:13-21.
Sarai wife of Abraham.
Sarai ia baren and tells Abraham “go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abraham hearkened to the voice of Sarai.” Gen. 16:1-4.
After Hagar bears Abraham a son she looks down on Sarai. Sarai dealt hardly with Hagar, and Hagar flees to the wilderness. Gen. 16:5-6.
The Angel of the Lord seeks Hagar instructs her and foretells the future of her seed. Gen. 16:9-13.
Hagar’s amazing response. Gen. 16:13.
Ishmael and his descendants.
Miriam sister of Moses.
Watches over baby Moses.
Leads Hebrew women crossing the red sea. Exod. 15:20-21.
She speaks out against Moses because he married an Ethiopian woman. Numbers 12:1-6.
Miriam’s condemnation. God is angry and she is struck with leprosy. Numbers 12:9-10.
Deborah the only female judge in Israel. Judges Ch. 4.
Deborah was the 4th judge during the period of judges in Israel before the period of the kings.
Israel did evil in the site of the Lord repeatedly and would be subdued by Canaanite kings. They would cry to God and He would empower a judge o deliver them.
Deborah was a prophetess and Judge when Israel was under the rule of Jabin king of Canaan & his captain Sisera. vs.1-2.
Deborah sends for Barak and tells him the Lord commands you to attack Sirera and the Lord will deliver him into your hand. vs. 6-7.
Barak’s response-if “thou go with me I will go…” She says “I will surely go with thee…for the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.”
Sisera is defeated and flees. vs.14-17.
He is invited into the tent of Jael wife of Heber. While he sleeps she drives a nail through his head. vs. 18-23.
Ruth the Moabitess and Naomi her mother-in-law.
Because of famine in the land, Elimelech takes his wife Naomi & his sons from Bethlehem to the country of Moab. Book of Ruth 1:1-2.
Elimeleck dies. His sons took wives of the women of Moab. They live there 10 years then both sons die. Naomi decides to return to the land of Judah and bids her daughters-in-law farewell. Orpah kisses Naomi goodby & returns to her family. Ruth 1:5-15.
Ruth says “intreat me not to leave thee…for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodge. Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God. Where thou diest I will die…” Ruth & Naomi go to Bethlehem. Ruth 1:16-19.
Naomi instructs Ruth to go to Boaz a kinsman of Elimelech, enter his tent and entreets him to buy the parcel of land that belongs to Elimelech. Ruth 3:1-11.
Boaz buys the parcel of landand marries Ruth. Ruth conceives a son. He is named Obed who is an ancestor of King David. Ruth 4:9-10,13-17
David is in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Jezebel Queen of Israel wife of King Ahab.
Jezebel is the dughter of Ithobaal King of Tyre. Ithobaal means With Baal the pagan god.
Ahab King of the northern kingdom of Israel takes her to wife. They launch Baal worship. I Kings 16:29-33.
The Prophet Elijah sent to Ahab: There shall be no dew or rain … but according to my word. I Kings 17:1-4.
Jezebel had killed the prophets of the Lord. I Kings 18:4.
After 3 years Elijah goes to meet Ahab and the 450 prophets of Baal on mount Carmel. I Kings 18:17-22.
The prophets of Baal vs. Elijah. I Kings 18:25-29, 36-40.
Jezebel’s reaction: message to Elijah-you will die by tomorrow. Elijah flees to the wilderness. I Kings 19:1-8.
Naboth’s vineyard near Ahab’s palace. Ahab wants the vineyard. Naboth will not sell it, his inheritance. Ahab is displeased. Jezebel says to Ahab I will give thee Naboth’s vinyard. Jezebel uses false witnesses to get Naboth killed & tells Ahab to possess the vineyard. Ahab goes to possess it. I Kings 21:1-10, 13.
God sends Elijah to meet Ahab and pronounces God’s judgement. I Kings 21:16-25.
King of Syria wars against Ahab. Ahab is killed and dogs lick his blood. I Kings 22:37-38.
The Prophet Elisha appoints Jehu King over Israel and sends him to smite the house of Ahab. II Kings 9:6-10.
Death of Jezebel. Jehu comes to Jezreel. Jezebel adorns herself and mocks Jehu. She is thrown out the window and trodden by horses. Her flesh was eaten by dogs. II Kings 9:30-37.
Below is the message audio #1-Eve, Sarah, Miriam & Deborah.
Below is the message audio #2-Ruth & Jezebel.
below is the link to the typed notes
Posted on Facebook May 13, 2024.