The Risen Lord
The Risen Lord
The Risen Lord-The empty tomb. John 20:1
The first to visit the tomb were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome. Mark 16:1-8, Matthew 28:1-6.
The Apostles Peter and John go to the tomb after Mary Magdaline tells them “they have taken way the Lord out of the Tomb.” John 20:1-10.
Jesus’s five post-resurrection appearances.
The first person to see Jesus after His Resurrection was Mary Magdalene who was a demon-possesed prostitute. John 20:11-18.
Jesus appears to the other women. They “took hold of his feet and worshipped him. Matthew 28:5-10. The Apostles were fearful and in hiding. John 20:19
Jesus appears to Cleopas and the other Disciple on the way to Emmaus. They report Jesus’s appearance to Simon Peter. Luke 24:13-35.
Jesus appears to His Disciples with Thomas absent. John 20:19-24.
Jesus appears to the Disciples the next Sunday with Thomas present. Thomas sees Jesus’s pierced hand and side and believes. John 20:26-31.
Jesus’s other appearances.
To the seven Disciples while they were fishing by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus recovers the disciples who had returned to becoming fishermen. Jesus says to Peter “feed my sheep” John 21:1-7.
Jesus appears to the 11 Disciples in Galilee and says to them: “Go ye and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all things I command you.” Matthew 28:16-20.
Jesus appears to James His brother who became the leader of the Jerusalem church. I Corinthians 15:7.
Jesus made other appearances to his Disciples over 40 days. He promised them the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them, and commissioned them “to be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the world.” Acts 1:3-8.
Jesus’s last appearance and His Ascension-Acts 1:9-12.
When he had given his instruction to this Disciples he was taken up to heaven and a cloud received him.
Two men in white apparel said to them: This Jesus which was received into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him going into heaven.
Below is the message audio and the closing prayer after the first part of the service at the Arabic Bible Church in Wichita,KS-40 min.
Below is the audio of the entire service-one hour at the Arabic Bible Church Wichita-during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Below is the link to the typed noted pdf
Below is a link to the hand written notes of overview of Christ’s ministry, and His suffering including His Trial, Crucifiction, and Resurrection.
The Suffering Savior with brief history of the ministry of Christ
Posted on Facebook Feb. 16 & Mar. 31, 2024.