Jesus and the Borrowed Tomb
The co-creator of the universe needed a borrowed tomb.
Joseph’s tomb
Traditional Jewish burial when Jesus died.
The family weeps, prepares the body with ointment & shroud and sends for the Rabbi. John 11:43-44.
Burial to be within 24 hours in a family burial ground or a memorial tomb, sometimes a cave. Abraham buries Sarah in a cave. Gen. 23:1-4,19-20.
Burial not allowed on the Sabbath Holy day which was a day of rest.
Mourning for the dead to continue fot 30 days.
Unexpected events at Jesus’s Burial.
Immediate family present at Jesus’s Crucifixion-only Mary, His mother. John 19:25-27.
His brothers did not believe on Him. John 7:5. They did after His resurrection. Acts 1:14. Joseph, Mary’s husband has died.
The Apostle John was there. He was the son of Zebedee the brother of Mary the mother of Jesus. Jesus provides for his mother. John 19:25-27.
Joseph of Arimathea assumes responsibility for burial of Jesus. Mark 15:42-47. “An honorable counselor”. Referred to as a disciple of Jesus-Matthew 27:57-58.
Joseph of Arimathea proceeds with preparation for Jesus’s burial.
At evening time after Jesus gave up the ghost, before the preparation for the sabbath. Mark 15:42-45.
Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the Council who had not consented to the decision of the Council. Luke 23:50-52.
He was a rich man and a disciple of Jesus, secretly for fear of the Jews. John 19:38 & Matthew 27:57-58.
He was an honorable Councelor which also waited for the kingdom of God. He pleads with Pilate the Governor of Judea for the body of Jesus. Mark15:43.
After confirming that Jesus was dead, Pilate permits Joseph to take the body of Jesus. Mark 15:44-46.
Nicodemus assists Joseph of Arimathea in preparing the body of Jesus for burial.
He provides the customary spices for the anointing of the body of Jesus. John19:39.
Nicodemus, a Pharisee had come to Jesus at night to discuss Jesus’s ministry and mission. John 3:1-16.
Jesus had said to him. As Moses lifted up the serpent…so must the Son of man be lifted up. vs.14-15.
Jesus’s body is taken down from the cross and prepared for burial. John 19:38-40.
Joseph takes down the body of Jesus to prepare His body for burial.
Then came Nichodemus with a mixture of myrrh and aloes.
They took the body of Jesus and prepared it for burial. His body is annointed with the myrrh and aloes, and wrapped with the fine linen that Joseph had brought. Mark 15:46.
Jesus’s body laid in Joseph of Arimathea’s sepulcher-the Borrowed Tomb.
Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy man that had made himself a tomb which he had hewn out of the rock outside the Jerusalem wall. Matthew 27:59-61.
Joseph of Arimathea and Nichodemus place the body of Jesus in Joseph’s sepulcher in a nearby garden where no man had been laid. John 19:40-42.
A great stone was rolled to the door of the sepulcher. Matthew 27:60.
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld where He was laid. Mark 15:47
Why had Joseph of Arimathea prepared his tomb outside the Jerusalem wall, near Golgatha where Jesus would be crucified? Jesus had predicted his crucifixion & resurrection. Matthew 20:17-19.
Below is the message audio
Below is the link to notes pdf
The Burial of Jesus-the Borrowed Tomb
Below is the link to the Hymn The Borrowed Tomb
Posted on Facebook Mar. 29, 2024.