Baby Jesus to Egypt
Baby Jesus to Egypt to escape King Herod.
Below is the message audio followed by typed notes. The last part of this message refers to Abraham, Joseph, Jacob & family and Moses speaking to Pharaoh: “Let my people go.”
This is referred to only in the Gospel of Matthew-Matthew vs 2:15b which quotes the Prophet Hosea.
Hosea 11:1 “When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.
Matthew 2:1-15 provides the details:
When Jesus was born, the Wisemen from the east came to Jerusalem to worship Him.
King Herod is troubled and asks where was Jesus to be born.
The star leads the Magi to the house Jesus is in. They worship Him and depart.
The Angel of the Lord tells Joseph to take Mary and the child and flee to Egypt.
Below is a series of photos related to Jesus & the Children of Israel going to Egypt.
The Magi coming to see Jesus. Mt. 2:1-2 “Where is He that is born, King of the Jews? We saw His Star…”
Why was the Christ’s birth announced to the Wise men of the East? God reaching out to Gentiles.
Christ came to redeem Jews and Gentiles-The Universal Savior.
From Babylon to Bethlehem a 900 mile ride on camels would take over a year.
They were motivated: “We are come to worship Him that is born King of the Jews” Amazing statement by pagans.
Went to King Herod. The politically proper thing to do.
We saw His star in the east & are come to worship Him.
Harold was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. Mt.2:3. Unnecessary political crisis.
Jesus would not be a threat to the Roman Empire.
The Star they saw & followed amazed them. Matt. 2:10-11 The star led them to the house where Jesus was. When the shepherds came Jesus was a newborn infant in the manger. Luke 2:12.
The Star indicated to them Jesus’s Deity.
They showed no reluctance in worshiping the Child Jesus.
They opened their treasures and presented unto Him Gold, frankincense & myrrh. Mt. 2:11. Gifts for a King.
These would soon be needed. “God will Provide”
Baby Jesus taken to Egypt. Mt. 2:13-15.
God’s instruction to Joseph: “Take the Child & His mother into Egypt & be there until I bring thee word for Harod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” Matt. 2:13.
Age of Jesus was probably several months, possibly a year old, assuming the star appeared to the Maji when Jesus was born.
They were in Egypt until the death of Herod.
“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying OUT OF EGYPT HAVE I CALLED MY SON. Hosea 11:1.
“Harold slew all the children in Bethlehem & the coasts thereof from two years old and under according to the time he had diligently enquired from the wise men” Mt.2:16. This was based on the length of their journey.
Egypt the place of escape & refuge for the Abraham and his seed.
Gen. 12:10 There was a famine in the land and Abraham went to Egypt to live because of the severe famine.
Joseph sold as a slave to the Midianite merchants going to Egypt.
Joseph’s escape to Egypt.
God is with him. Gen. 41:41. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream and is appointed ruler over the land of Egypt.
Pharaoh asks Joseph to being his family to Egypt. Gen. 45:17-18 because of the great famine in the land of Canaan.
God tells Jacob “ go down into Egypt and I will be with thee and will there make of thee a great nation and will surely bring thee up again” Gen.46:2-4.
In Egypt Israel will become a nation of approximately two million in preparation for conquest of Canaan.
The new Pharaoh will enslave the Israelites.
God will use Moses, the plagues and the red sea to deliver Israel from Egypt.
God’s plan of Redemption and restoration of sinful man began at the foundation of the world in preparation for the fall of Adam and his seed.
It would be accomplished with the death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST THE LAMB SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Revelation 13:8.
Below is the link to the pdf of the typed notes and the hand written notes
Baby Jesus to Egypt
Hand written original notes Out of Egypt have I called my Son
Spoken at the Arabic Bible Church, and King of Glory Church, Wichita, KS Jan. 2024
Posted on Facebook June 15, 2024 & Dec. 28, 2024.