Bartholomew the Apostle

Named in every list of the Apostles in the Gospels except the Gospel of John. John wrote his Gospel 20-30 years after the other Gospels and “filled in the blanks” providing information not present in the Synoptic Gospels.

Bartholomew means son of Tolmai.

In the Gospel of John he is not named but John names Nathaniel as one of the Apostles (John 1:45-49). Nathaniel is not named in the other Gospels so that Nathaniel is probably another name for Bartholomew. Nathaniel is brought to Jesus by Philip.

Bartholomew is said to have been martyred in 69 A.D. for having converted Polymius, King of Armenia to Christianity.

The Armenian Church claims the Apostle Bartholomew as it’s founder.

Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes.

Apostle Bartholomew

Bartholomew the Apostle

James son of Alphaeus


James John’s brother