Christian Apologetics

Answering the tough questions regarding Christianity. Reference: David A. Dewitt.

I am glad you asked. Reference: Kenneth Bea & Larry Moody. Victor Books.

Tough honest questions:

  1. Can you be sure there really is a God?

  2. Isn’t Christianity just a psychological crutch?

  3. The Bible has errors & myths. Is it believable?

  4. If God is good, why is there evil & suffering?

  5. Isn’t it narrowminded to believe that Christ is the only way to God?

  6. How can Christianity be true when so many Christians are phony & hypocrites?

  7. Would God reject people who live basically good lives?

  8. Isn’t just believing in Christ for salvtion too easy?

  9. How much faith do you need to have?

  10. Can anyone be sure he will go to heaven?

Goal of this study:

  1. To strengthen our confidence in the trustworthiness of God and His Word.

  2. Further equip us to give an account for the hope that is in us.

    Key verse: Hebrews 11:1-Faith is the Substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Below are the Audios addressing the above.

Audio #1.

Below is Adio #2

Below is Audio #3

Click on the link below to see the original hand written notes 1984.

Scanned original hand notes.

Christian Apologetics

Epistle of Hebrews


A Summons to Decision