Epistle of Hebrews


A. This Epistle is one of the more difficult of the New testament books to understand.

  1. It calls for a great deal of familiarity with the Old Testament.

  2. Calls for an understanding of certain phrases of 1st century Biblical exegesis.

  3. Complex theology merging Old Testament and New Testament.

B. Purpose of the Epistle:

  1. Show that the worship of God is not tied to outward religious practices-specifically the O.T. sacrificial system or tradition-but the inwardness of true religion based on a purified conscience.

  2. To establish the finality of the Gospel asserting the supremacy of Christ:

  3. Christ is God’s perfect Word to man.

  4. Christ is man’s perfect representation with God.

C: The people addressed:

  1. Christians of Jewish background including ones who had not seen or heard Christ in person. These were reluctant to sever their last ties with a religion that enjoyed Roman protection. Many were probably Hellenists-knew the Old Testament in the Greek version.

  2. Location of those addressed is not named but could have been Jerusalem, Alexandria, and or possibly Rome. Clements of Rome refers to it in a 96 A.D. letter.

  3. Unlike most New Testament Epistles it does not begin with a customary salutation and the name of the writer or recipients.

  4. Historians believe it was given it’s name late in the 1st or possibly second century. It was quoted in the late 1st century.

D: Authorship:

  1. Early church considered it a Pauline Epistle including Clements of Alexandria. Absence of Pauline superscription is thought to be in order to make it more readily acceptable to Jewish Christians who resented the Apostle to the Gentiles. The western church accepted the Pauline authorship in the 4th century under the direction of Jerome and Augustine.

  2. Origin the 2nd century theologian felt that for liguistic reasons (more idiomatic Greek) it was unlike Paul’s Epistles. “The thoughts are Paul’s but the style and composition are the work of someone who wrote notes on what his master said.”

  3. John Calvin thought that it was transcribed by Luke or Clement of Rome.

  4. Martin Luther suggested Appolos.

E. Date of writing:

  1. Before 70 A.D. Probably 64 A.D. Hebrews 12:4 “ye have not yet resisted unto blood”.

  2. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman military including the second temple in 70 A.D.

E: The challenge of the book of Hebrews is in chapter 3:1, it’s theme verse:

  1. “Therefore, holy brethern, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider Jesus the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.

  2. Apostle is the sent one. Jesus the Son of God, the one sent by God the Father.

  3. Jesus the final and ultimate High Priest-Hebrews 5:5 “…Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec”.

  4. Jesus the Author of eternal salvation.

God’s Final Revelation. Hebrews Ch.1-2.

God’s Final Rêvelation-God the Son.

Epistle of Hebrews chapter 1-2 message.

The author is not named in the book but was probably the Apostle Paul who was Jewish but grew up in Tarsus, a Greek City of Greek & Roman culture. He was considered the Apostle to the Gentiles.

Epistle of Hebrews includes complex theology merging Old Testament and New Testament.

It addresses Jewish people that have come to believe that Jesus Christ as God becoming man to redeem sinful man.

It also appeals to Jewish people that need to know more about Jesus Christ, God’s eternal plan of redemption.

The audio below is the voice recording.

Hebrews Chapter 3. Jesus is our way to God.

Christ Jesus the Apostle and High Priest of our profession. Vs. 1.

Jesus compared to Moses the Law Giver, Vs 2-11.

  1. Moses was a faithful servant.

  2. Christ is the Son over His Own House who we are.

  3. The childern of Israel rebelled against Moses and God and tempted Him over 40 yrs, therefore they were denied enterance into the promised land or enter into God’s Rest.

Warning to the Brethren. Vs. 12-18.

  1. Take heed lest you depart from the Living God. Vs.12.

  2. Do not be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Vs.13

  3. Hear His Voice and “Harden Not Your Hearts, As In The Provocation.” Vs.15- Israel in the wildernesss under Moses hardened their hearts and provoked God.

  4. See that you fail to enter into God’s rest because of unbelief. Unbelief prevents Israel entering into God’s Rest. Vs.18.

The True Rest of God. Hebrews 4:1-11.

Audio below is the voice recording

Scanned hand written notes part 1.

The Word of God Personified. Hebrews 4:12-13.

Below is the Audio recording.

Christ The order of Melchizedek. Hebrews Ch. 7:1-28, Ch. 8:8-13 & Romans Chapter 9:30-33

  1. Melchizedek the Priest-King.

  2. The greatness of Melchizedek.

  3. Imperfection of Aaronic Priesthood.

  4. Superiority of the new Priesthood.

audio recording below

.Scanned hand written note part 3

LIVING BY FAITH. Hebrews Ch. 11.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. vs.1.

By faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God…vs.3.

Without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. vs. 6.

Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Samson, Samuel and David lived by faith. vs.4-34.

Many people of faith had mocking, scourging, were stoned, slain with the sword, were tormented…vs. 36-38.

They obtained a good report through faith which has been passed on to us. vs.39-40.

Audio recording below.


Followers of Jesus should live by faith as did the Old Testament saints.

Below is the audio recording.


The author turns to the practical-putting to practice the principles he dealt with in Ch. 11&12.

Audio message below.

Epistle of Hebrews

The Lying prophet of Bethel.


Christian Apologetics