Parable of the Sower
by Dr. David Brake. Given at the Arabic Bible Conference, Wichita, KS 2020.
Parable of the Sower
Parable of the Sower
This was Jesus’s first complete parable. It was one of the few with an authentic interpretation from Christ’s own lips.
It is found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
The setting was near the Sea of Galilee when Jesus spoke to a multitude standing by the seashore where one could see a farmer planting a cultivated fields, rocky soils, neglected thorny fields and trodden paths.
The Parable addresses the following:
The Sower.
The seed.
The various soils.
The produce of the various soils and Jesus’s interpretation.
Below is the Zoom message given at the Arabic Bible Church, Wichita,KS during Covid19.
Below is the Audio recording of the Zoom message
Below is the underlined link to click on to see the original hand written notes.
Posted on Facebook April 18, 2024.