Jesus Reaches Out To Mankind

Message by Dr. David Brake

Jesus reaching out to children

Matthew 18:3-5 Disciples question: who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Jesus called a little child to him. “Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”

Mt. 18:6 If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe on me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mark 10:13-16 They brought young children to Him …

Disciples objected

Jesus much displeased by the Disciples reaction.

Jesus welcomes the children.

Hymnal Jesus loves the little children below.

Message from the archived volumes of Dr. David Brake


poor in spirit

pure in heart

Father-son relationship: Prayer to your Father who is in heaven Mt. 6:6.

As a child pleas for daily bread.


Jesus answered not a word.

Disciples besought Him to send her away. She is a Gentile.

Jesus says I am sent to the lost sheep of Israel.

She worships Jesus and pleas for help.

Jesus says Bread for the child (Jew), not the dog (gentile).

The woman’s amazing statement: True Lord yet the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table.

Jesus’s final response: great is thy faith be it unto thee as thou wilt. Daughter made whole.

Why did Jesus go to Tyre and Sidon? To begin expanding His ministry to Gentiles.

He does so in a dramatic memorable way to prepare the disciples for His final command after His resurrection: Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).

Below is the message audio of Jesus and the Children.

Crippled woman healed on the Sabbath Luke 13:10-16.

Crippled woman healed on the sabbath.

Jesus goes to the Synagogue on a Sabbath day.

He sees a woman crippled for 18 years. He called her forward, placed His hands on her and said to her “Woman you are set free from your infirmity”. She immediately straitened up and praised God.

The Synagogue ruler became indignant and criticizes Jesus for healing the woman on the Sabbath.

Jesus replies: “You hippocrites, do you not give water to you ox or donkey on the Sabbath? Should not this woman a daughter of Abraham who has been bound for 18 years be set free on the Sabbath?”

The Religeous Elite were the main critics and obstructionists to Jesus and His Ministry and would eventually lead to His crucifiction.


The disabled man at the pool of Bethesda: John 5:1–18

Disabled for 38 years-waiting for the Angle to stir the water.

Totally incapacitated. Cannot get to the water to be healed.

Has no assistance but persists-faith & hope.

Working Father and working Son

What about the father?

  1. Genesis chapter 1 - gods work of six days. 2.

  2. Genesis 2:2 God rested from all his work which she had made

God’s rest ended quickly genesis 3:8-9.

  1. God is seen walking in the garden seeking Adam and Eve the disobedient ones.

  2. His labor in seeking continued uninterrupted seven days a week. God cannot rest in the presence of sin.

Whom do God the father and Son seek? John 5:1-17 has the answer.

  1. He is not seeking a holiday celebration. The occasion-a major feast holiday consisting of Passover, Pentecost and the feast of Tabernacle's.

  2. He goes to the impotent, blind, halt, withered at the pool of Bethesda waiting for healing.

  3. He goes to the most neglected & needy.

  4. Jesus says to him: Take up thy bed and walk.

  5. The Impotent man immediately made whole-total body restoration: of nerves, muscles, bones, balance-a new creation.

Reaction of the Jewish Leaders: persecuted Jesus & sought to slay Him.

  1. He violated their sabbath rules. Religious control freaks. Don’t care about the impotent man or the amazing miracle of his healing.

  2. He is making himself equal with God.

Jesus’s response: My Father workers until now and I work.

  1. Unrestricted by time and religeous order.

  2. Beyond the Jewish Law.

  3. Jesus reached out to Jews and Gentiles.

Below is the audio message Jesus reaching out to Gentiles

Below is the notes pdf

Jesus reaching out to man

Jesus Reaches Out To Mankind

Parable of the Sower


Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament