Gospel to Gentiles
Apostle Peter’s vision
Jerusalem church’s reluctance to reach out to Gentiles.
Peter’s inquisition by the Jerusalem church. Acts 11:2-3. Why did you go to the uncircumcised and eat with them.
Peter’s response: Peter’s vision while praying in the city of Joppa. Acts 11:5-18.
I saw a sheet descend from heaven…and saw fourfooted beasts, wild beasts & creeping things….
I heard a voice saying unto me, arise Peter; slay & eat.
I said, not so Lord…nothing unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth.
The voice answered me from heaven, what God has cleansed call not thou common.
The Spirit bade Peter to witness to a gentile in Caesarea.
The man & his house were saved & the Holy Spirit fell on them as on us.
What am I that I could withstand God?
Response of the church brethren; God hath also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.
Persecution of the church after stoning of Stephen led to scattering. Acts 11:19-26.
They which were scattered abroad travelled as far as Phenice, Cypress, Cyrene & Antioch.
They preached the Word to none but the Jews only.
And some, men of Cypress & Cyrene went to Antioch spake to the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus.
The hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed & turned unto the Lord.
The church in Jerusalem then sent Barnabas to Antioch to minister to Gentile believers.
Barnabas then goes to Tarsus to bring Saul (Apostle Paul) to Antioch.
They assembled with the Antioch church for a year and it became the first established Gentile church.
Below is the Audio message Gospel to Gentiles addressing progression of the early Church.
Below is the underlined link to the original hand written notes.
Gospel to Gentiles notes
Posted on Facebook April 5 & May 3, 2024.