Women of faith Early Church

There were great women of faith at the time Jesus Christ came into the world and during His ministry. These include:

  1. Elizabeth the mother of John the baptist. Luke 1:39-43.

  2. Mary the mother of Jesus. Luke 1:30-33,38.

  3. Anna the prophetess widow at the temple when Baby Jesus was presented. Luke 2:36-38.

  4. Mary Magdalene. Luke 8:2-3.

  5. Mary & Martha sisters of Lazarus. John 11:21-23,32.

Women of faith in the early church:

After His resurrection before the day of Pentecost-Jesus appeared to His Apostles and told them in Acts 1:8-14: “Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you… and these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women…” Acts 2:1-4.

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the believers Acts 2:16-21. It was fulfillment of Joel’s prophesy; I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh…

  1. Mary the mother of John Mark. Acts 12:1-5, 7,11-16. Mary was Jewish and became a follower of Jesus. She was married to a Greek man named Aristobolus. They had a son named John Mark who his mother led to faith in Christ. Mary’s house became a shelter for persecuted Christians in Jerusalem. Also mentioned is a damsel named Rhoda. vs. 13-15. She recognized Peter’s voice and was a woman of faith. John Mark became a desciple of Peter, interpreter for Peter to the Greeks, and author of the Gospel of Mark who historians believe was based on sermons by the Apostle Peter.

  2. Priscilla wife of Aquilla. Mentioned in the New Testament 6 times. Acts 18:1-3. Paul abode with them in Corinth. Romans 16:3. Greet Persilla & Aquilla my helpers in Christ Jesus. Trusted by the Apostle Paul to help lead their churches.

  3. Phoebe. Mentioned only once-Romans 16:1-2 - Servant of the church in Cenchrea and sustainer of many including Paul.

  4. Lydia of Thyatira. Thyatira was a city of goddesses. Acts 16:13-15. The Lord opened her heart.

  5. Junia Paul’s kinsman and fellow prisoner. Romans 16:7. She was a believer before Paul.

  6. Damaris of Athens, Greece. Acts 17:22-34. One of Paul”s greatest messages to the Greek elites. Some mocked Paul but certain men believed including Dionysius the Areopagite (an Athenian judge at the Areopagus) and a woman names Damaris. The Georgian text of Acts makes Damaris the wife of Dionysius.

  7. Lois and Eunice the grandmother and mother of Timothy. 2 Timothy 1:5 and Acts 16:1. Timothy’s father was Greek.

  8. Paul’s sister had her son help Paul escape an ambush. Acts 23:16,20-21,27.

Jesus died for the whole church. Galatians 3:28-”There is neither Jew or Greek, there is neither slave or free man, their is neither male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Below is audio recording.

Spoken at the Arabic Bible Church, Wichita, KS April 16,2023.

Posted on Facebook April 2 & May 1, 2024.

Women of faith Early Church

Paul’s farewell messages


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