Prophesies Fullfilled with Jesus on the Cross

Twenty-eight Prophesies were fulfilled on the Day Jesus was Crucified.

Ten prophesies were fulfilled while Jesus was on the Cross.

  1. Parting of His garments. John 19:23-24. Psalm 22:18.

  2. Gave Him vinigar to drink. Matthew 27:34 & John 19:28-30. Psalm 69:20-21.

  3. Reproach and taunting of Jesus by those who passed by. Matthew 27:39-40. Psalm 109:25.

  4. Reproach and taunting by the Jewish leaders and the thieves on the cross. Matthew 27:41-44. Psalm 22:8.

  5. Jesus says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. Isaiah 53:12.

  6. Jesus says “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.” Matthew 27:46. Psalm 22:1.

  7. One of the soldiers pierced His side. John 19:34 & 37. Zechariah 12:10.

  8. Jesus says “It is finished.” John 19:30. Psalm 22:31 Hebrew words “It is finished.”

  9. None of His bones were broken. John 19:32-36. Exodus 12:46. The “Passover lamb”. “He keeps all His bones, Not one of them is broken.” Psalm 34:20.

  10. Joseph asks Pilate for the body of Jesus, he takes down His body, wrapped it in a clean cloth and buries him in his own tomb. Matthew 27:57-60. Isaiah 53:8-9.

Below is the message audio.

Below is the underlined link to the notes pdf

Prophesies Fullfilled with Jesus on the Cross

Longest Sermon in the Bible


To Know Jesus Better