Paul as prisoner sails to Rome

On his final visit to Jerusalem Paul is imprisoned, appeals to Caesar and sails to Rome

Paul sails for Rome. Acts chapter 27.
The entire journey takes 6 months according to historian Lewin.

Left Caesarea August 60 A.D.
Shipwrecked early November.
He is on the Iseland of Miletus for 3 months.
Arrives in Rome March 61 A.D.

From Caesarea to Sidon vs.1-3.

Paul’s companions are: Luke the converted Greek physician, Aristarchus-Macedonian convert who has been with Paul since he left Ephasus when Paul stated I must go to Rome(Acts 20:22), Julius the centurion+100 soldiers of the Italian Band, other prisoners & the ships crew. Total 276 vs.37. At Sidon Julius the Centurion allowed Paul to visit friends. vs.3.

Sidon to Myra. vs.4-5.

Myra to Lasea. vs.6-8. They transfer to a ship sailing to Italy. The trip was difficult due to weather. Lasea not an intended stop and much time spent there due to dangerous sailing.

Paul warning-There will be much damage if trip continues. vs.10-11. Ignored by the Centurion. They set sail for Phoenix on Crete.

The storm at sea vs.14-38. Tempestous wind. They lightened the ship of it’s cargo, cast out the tackling of the ship. Days of darkness. Hope is lost.

Paul’s encouragement. vs.21-26. Be of good cheer there shall be no loss of life. Basis for Paul’s confidence: “The Angel of God whom I serve appeared to me.”

The shipmen’s attempted flight. vs.27-32

Paul’s renewed encouragement. vs.33-36. The 14 day fast broken. Paul prays & gives thanks. vs35.

They finally reach a shore and the ship runs aground. vs.39-44. The soldiers want to kill the prisoners lest they escape, but the Centurion did not allow it to save Paul. vs.42-43.

All survive and land safely on an island called Melita.

Paul on the Isle of Melita. Acts chapter 28:1-10.

Melita is between Island of Sicily and Africa 60 miles south of Sicily. It is 20 mi. long & 10 mi wide.

It is inhabited by Barbarians that do not speak Greek or Italian.

They received & cared for the strangers. They kindled a fire for the cold & wet strangers. Hebrew 13:2 says Be not foregetful to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware.

Paul the woodgatherer-humility & service. He is bitten by a viper.

The islander’s theology. Idolaters. Vengence vs. justice. Concept of a righteous god who punishes evil. They concluded Paul must be a murderer. vs.4.

Paul’s deliverance from the viper. vs.6. Mark 16:18 says “They shall take up shall not hurt them.”

The pagans conclude Paul is a god. vs.6.

Paul praying for and healing the sick father of Publius the chief of the Island and other sick islanders.

Paul and those with him were honored and given provision as they departed.

The blessing of misfortune for the passengers and the Islanders.

Melita to Rome. vs. 11-15.

Two Alexandrian ships reach Melita. One arrives safely, one shipwrecks.

Paul & those with him go on the Alexandria ship from Melita to Syracuse where they stayed 3 days.

They then go to Rhegium in Italy for 1 day then to Puteoli near Naples where they stayed with believers for 7 days.

They then go to Rome.

Paul is allowed to dwell alone with a guard. The Brethren go to meet Paul. vs.15.

Paul in Rome. Acts 28 vs.16-31.

Paul meets with the Jewish leaders. vs 17-29. Jews had been expelled from Rome 5 years earlier by Claudius. Many had returned.

Paul’s first mission in Rome. Three days after he arrives in Rome he calls the leaders of the Jews together and explains to them why he is in chains. vs.20. He saw his first duty to his people when he says “for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.”
The Jewish leaders appointed a day to come and hear Paul’s message to them. vs22.

Paul explains the plan of God, persuading them “concerning Jesus out of the Law of Moses and of the prophets from morning till evening” vs.23. Paul explains Gods plan of Redemption through Jesus Christ for Jews and Gentiles.

Some believed and some believed not. He says to them you are fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 6:8-10. The hardened heart, the closed eyes, the deaf ears result in lack of conversion. The lost opportunity.

The salvation of God was offered to the Jews first then sent to the Gentiles. vs.28. When Paul said this the Jews departed reasoning among themselves. vs. 29.

Paul spent 2 years in his hired house preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ. vs.30-31.

Paul’s final years according to Lardner’s History.

Conversion of Onesimus. Philippians ch. 10.

Writing the books of Ephesians, II Timothy, Philippians, Collosians, Philemon, and Hebrews.

Released from prison. Traveled to Asia Minor. Possibly to Spain. Returned to Rome.

Fire of Rome in 64 A.D. set by Nero. Christisns were blamed. Peter was crucified. Paul was beheaded because he was a Roman citizen.

Luke a companion of Paul and author of the book of Acts went to Achaia after Paul’s first imprisonment. He died at age 84.

Below is the message Audio

Below is the link to the typed notes

Paul as prisoner sails to Rome

Below is the link to original hand written notes

Paul as prisoner goes to Rome

Paul as prisoner sails to Rome

Suffering for righteousness


Paul’s final journey