Suffering for righteousness

Photo of the Apostle Peter

Peter’s message to believers suffering for righteousness.

The Apostle Peter wrote two Epistles.

The first Epistle is addressed to “The strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Capadocia, Asia and Bithenia, elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…“ I Peter 1:1-2.

The second Epistle is addressed “to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” II Peter.1:1.

Written to the believers scattered due to persecution.

Instruction to the believers. I Peter 3:12-17.

  1. God’s eyes are over the righteous and His ears open to their prayers. vs.12.

  2. Who will harm you if you become imitators of that which is good?

  3. If ye suffer for righteousness’ sake; happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled. vs.14.

  4. Be ready always to give an answer for the reason of the hope in you with weakness & fear. vs.15

  5. It is better, if it is the will of God, that ye suffer for well doing… vs.17

The long suffering of God. I Peter 3:18-22

  1. For Christ also has once suffered for sin, the just for the unjust to bring us to God having been put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. vs18. Christ is our role model.

  2. Christ preaches to the spirits in prison. vs.19. Prison refers to Hades (Sheol) the temporary abode of the Old testament people of faith-Abraham’s bosom.. Jesus preached to them between His death and resurrection. They were delivered after Jesus’s resurrection & ascension.

  3. Thou will not leave my soul in hell… Acts 2:25-27 quotes Psalm 16:8-10.

  4. God’s long-suffering. vs.20. The wickedness of man before the flood. Gen. 6:3. God longsuffered for 120 years before the flood came. God spares Noah & his family-8 saved through the flood-by water. Gen. 7:1.

  5. Water allegory. I Peter 3:21. …Baptism doth also now save us…by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism symbolizes death, burial & resurrection.

  6. After the flood, Noah makes sacrifice to God. God shows mercy and promises to “neither again smite every thing living, as I have done”. Gen. 8:20-22.

Suffering for righteousness today.

  1. Partakers of Christ’s suffering. I Peter 4:13-14. “Rejoice as partakers of Christ’s suffering …”

  2. One in eight Christians worldwide live in countries where they may face persecution according to Open Doors report Jan.13,2021.

  3. Thirteen Christians are killed every day worldwide because of their faith, 12 Christians are unjustly arrested or imprisoned, 5 are abducted, 12 churches are attacked according to World Watch in 2021.

  4. There are 309 million Christians living in places with very high or extreme level of persecution.

  5. In summary, 1 in 8 Christians worldwide facing persecution in 2021.

  6. Even more sad is that there is now more looking down on Christians in much of society, even in countries founded on Christian principles.

Below is the message audio.

Below is the underlined link to the typed notes.

Suffering for righteousness

Below is the hymnal Because He lives I can face tomorrow.

Spoken at the Arabic Bibe Church, Wicita,KS May 28,2023.

Spoken at King of Glory Church March 17, 2024

Posted on Facebook Mar. 17, 2024.

Suffering for righteousness

Key Old Testament Verses Part I


Paul as prisoner sails to Rome