Parable of the fig tree
Looking for fruit on the fig tree
Jesus parabolic teaching uses the familiar to explain the unfamiliar. Luke 13:6-9. Matthew 21:18-22.Luke 13:6-9. The owner of the garden seeking fruit.
He had a fig tree planted in his vinyard.
He came and sought fruit from it and found none.
He tells the dresser of the vineyard I came seeking fruit and found none. Cut it down.
The dresser’s response. vs. 8. Wait another year. I will dress it and fertilize it.
If it does not bear fruit next year you can cut it down.
Jesus and the fruitless fig tree. Matthew 21:18-22, 20-25.
Jesus final trip to Jerusalem. After The triumphal entry and cleansing the temple. Mt. 21:12-15.
Returning from Bethany Jesus is hungry, He sees a fully leafed fig tree. Mt. 21:18-22.
He goes to the fig tree hoping for fruit and finds none.
Jesus curses the fig tree-no fruit for ever. The fig tree withers.
The fig tree in the Bible.
In the Garden of Eden. Ge. 3:7.
Jeremiah’s vision- Jer. 24:3,5. baskets of good figs & bad figs.The good figs represent the Godly ones that God will restore from the Babylonian captivity. The bad figs are evil and will be consumed.
Fig tree is symbol of the nation of Israel. Hosea 9:10 … I saw your fathers as the firststripe in the fig tree…
Interpretation of the parable of the barren fig tree.
What does the garden represent?
Who is the owner of the garden?
What does the fig tree represent?
Who is the dresser of the vineyard?
His identity.
His responsibility.
His recommendation- Wait one more year, I will maintain and nourish.
Defers judgement to the owner.
The outcome is not defined in this parable as Jesus continues His ministry.
The judgement declared at the end of Jesus’s ministry.
Majority of the Jews rejected Jesus. “He came to His own but His own received Him not” John 1:11.
“But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God…” John 1:12
Application of the parable today.
To become sons of God we have to receive Christ as our Savior.
As sons of God we must bear spiritual fruit.
We should reach out to sinners and share the Gospel.
Below is the message audio.
Below is the link to the typed notes pdf
Posted on Facebook March 20 and July 31, 2024.