Parable of the wicked husbandmen

Jesus’s parabolic response to the chief priest’s question “by what authority doest thou these things?” Mark 11:27.

Parable of the wicked husbandmen of the vineyard is in Matthew, 21:33-46. Mark 12:1-12 & Luke 20:9-19.

Jesus addresses this to the Chief Priests, the Scribes & the Elders of the Jews after they ask Him what authority have you and who has given you this authority? Mark 11:27-28.

Jesus had come to the temple in Jerusalem, cast out the merchants, the money changers and said ye have made my house a den of thieves. Mark 11:15-17. This is one of the parables Jesus told on his last entry to Jerusalem.

A certain man plants a vineyard, hedged it, dug a winepress, built a tower and let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country.

  1. At the fruit season he sends a servant to receive the fruit from the husbandmen. They beat the servant and sent him away empty.

  2. He sends another servant. They cast stones at him, wounded his head and sent him away.

  3. He sends other servants. They killed one, beat some and killed some.

  4. He then lastly sends his one son, his beloved, saying they will reverence my son.

  5. The husbandmen said this is the heir, let us kill him and the inheritance will be ours.

  6. They took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard.

What therefore shall the Lord of the vineyard do?

  1. He will come and destroy the husbandman.

  2. He will give the vineyard to others.

  3. Have ye not read the scripture: the stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner. Psalm 118:22.

  4. This was the Lord’s doing and is marvelous in our eyes.

Below is the audio message

Below is the link to the notes pdf

Parable of the wicked husbandmen

John the Baptist


Lydia-first European Christian