Lydia-first European Christian

Lydia of Thyatira, first documented convert to Christianity in Europe.

Paul sharing the Gospel with Lydia & her friends

Paul the apostle to the Gentiles.

  1. Paul a devout Jewish Pharisee involved in the persecution of the Christians in the early church in Jerusalem.

  2. Jesus appears to him on the road to Damascus. Paul called to be the apostle to the Gentiles.

  3. Paul along with Barnabas sent by the church in Antioch to bring the Gospel to Asia Minor. Acts 13:1-5.

  4. Paul made three missionary journeys to Asia Minor and fourth and final journey to Rome.

  5. Paul, a Roman citizen, founded at least 8 churches in Asia Minor & wrote half the books of the New Testament.

Lydia of Thyatira. Acts 16:11-15.

  1. Lydia was from Thyatira, a city in the Greek region of Lydia, but was living in Philippi.

  2. She was a seller of purple cloth for which Thyatira was a famous center of indigo trade.

  3. Paul on his second missionary journey saw a vision in the night of a man saying come to Macedonia and help us. Acts 16:7-10.

  4. Paul and his companions travel to Macedonia and arrive in Philippi a key city in Macedonia.

  5. On the Sabbath day they go to the riverside where prayer was being done-there apparently was no synagogue in Phillippi.

  6. Paul spoke to the women praying there.

  7. A certain woman named Lydia which worshipped God heard us “whose heart the Lord opened, and that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.”

  8. Lydia was a God-fearing woman possibly a Jewish convert unfamiliar with the Gospel of Christ. After hearing Paul’s Gospel message she comes to faith in Christ and was baptized and her household.

  9. Lydia invites them to her house essentially starting a house church.

  10. Thyatira became home to a significant Christian church mentioned as one of the seven churches of the book of Revelation.

  11. A list of archaeological sites includes Thyatira church. Lydia likely help launch a church in Thyatira.

  12. Lydia has been designated a saint by several Christian denominations including the Episcopal church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Below is the Audio message,

Below is the link to the notes pdf

Lydia first European Christian

Lydia-first European Christian

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