The Parable of the Prodigal Son

The younger of two sons asks his father for his share of the inheritance indication self-centerd pride.

The father is very gracious and grants him his request.

A few days later the younger son departs to a far country and squanders his substance foolishly.

When he was in severe need, he came to himself and decides to return to his father and be a servant.

The Father has been waiting for him, had compassion, ran and fell on his neck, kissed him and welcome him home.

The Father restores the prodigal to full sonship and sets up a village banquet to celebrate his restoration.

Below is the message given by David Brake for the Arabic Bible Church, Wichita, KS as a Zoom message during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Below is the Audio only of the parable of the prodigal son. It includes the concluding statements.

Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes.

Parable of the prodigal son

Posted on facebook April 14, 2024.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Parable of the Lost Sheep


Parable of the Elder Son