The Scapegoat as sin bearer

Scapegoat sent into the wilderness.

Role of the scapegoat in the Old Testament Law.

The Jewish day of atonement in the Old Testament.

  1. Atonement for Aaron the High Priest and his house-a young bullock and a ram. Leviticus 16:3-4 & 6.

  2. Atonement for the people of Israel. Two goats. Leviticus 16:5,7-10.

  3. The sacrificed goat of the sin offering. Lev. 16:15-16.

  4. The live Scapegoat that bears the iniquities and sins of the children of Israel is let go into the wilderness. Lev. 16:21-22.

  5. Reason for the Scapegoat: a visible and memorable demonstration of forgiveness and taking away sin. Goats are browsers and will eat almost anything.

  6. Old Testament sacrificial system: the innocent sacrificed for sin, and the innocent bearing and taking away sin.

Christ is the final and complete atonement for humanity.

  1. Christ is the universal Savior for all time and eternity. He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8.

  2. Christ is the final and supreme sacrifice for sin, restoring sinful man to God. I Peter 2:24.

  3. Christ fulfilled and supplanted the Mosaic law and the sacrificial system of the Old Testament. Romans 8:2-4

  4. Christ is the believer’s Redeemer from the guilt of sin. Matthew 25:31-34,41. Christ’s final judgement-separating the nations as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

  5. Christ has borne and taken away the believer’s sin, becoming the believer’s Scapegoat.

Below is the audio message

Below is the typed notes pdf

The Scapegoat as sin bearer

Posted on Facebook Aug. 6, 2024.

The Scapegoat as sin bearer

God writing with His hand
