God writing with His hand

Jesus writing on the ground

God’s hand writing recorded in the Bible.

God reached out to man from creation to the end of time and into eternity.

God writing with His hand is recorded three times in the Bible.

God writing with His finger the 10 commandments on 2 tablets of stone. Deuteronomy Ch. 9&10.

  1. Written with the finger of God on mount Horeb. vs. 9-10.

  2. Moses breaks the 2 tablets when he sees the people worship the molten calf. vs. 15-18.

  3. God tells Moses to hew 2 tablets of stone and return to the mount. Deut. 10:1-2.

  4. God writes on the tablets again. Moses returns and places the tablets in the ark of the covenant. Deut10:4-5.The writing on the wall at the Babylonian King Belshazzar’s feast. Daniel Ch. 5.

  1. Belshzzar made a great feast using the golden vessels taken from the house of God in Jerusalem. vs.1-4.

  2. Fingers came forth and wrote upon the plaster of the king’s palace. vs. 5-6.

  3. The king’s reaction-calls the wise men of Babylon to interpret the writing. They could not. vs. 6-10.

  4. The queen tells him to call for Daniel in whom is the spirit of the holy gods. vs. 10-12.

  5. Daniel is brought to the king. vs.13-16.

  6. Daniel’s answer and interpretation. vs.17-29.

  7. God’s judgement-the writing fulfilled. vs. 30-31.

  8. Jesus writing on the ground. John 8: 3-11.

  1. The Scribes and Pharasees brought to Jesus a woman taken in adultery. vs.3-4.

  2. They quote the law of Moses that says she should be put to death-Leviticus 20:10.

  3. They say to Jesus: What say you? vs. 4-6.

  4. Jesus ignores them and stoops to the ground and with his finger wrote on the ground. vs. 6.

  5. The finger that wrote the 10 commandments. God manifest in the flesh. I Timothy 3:16.

  6. They continue asking Jesus. Jesus replies: Let him without sin cast the first stone. vs. 7.

  7. Jesus continues writing on the ground. The accusers depart starting with the eldest. vs.9.

  8. What did Jesus write on the ground? Possibly the accuser’s names first, then their sins.

  9. Jesus speaks to the woman. vs. 10-11.

  10. Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfilled the law. The only man without sin. Matt. 5:17-20.

  11. What the law could not do, God did in Christ who bore our sins and restored man to God. Romans 8:3-4.

  12. God’s love and grace. Ephesians 2:4-9.

Below is the audio message.

Below is the link to the typed notes pdf

God writing with His hand

Posted on Facebook Sept. 8, 2024.

God writing with His hand

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