Working Father & working Son

My Father worketh until now and I work. John 5:1-18.

The Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) worked throughout eternity and continue to work in time after creation.

Jesus Christ came to earth, became a man to redeem sinful man and restore man’s fellowship with God.

Christ led a life devoid of rest-even at night He prayed.

Christ spent His time on earth seeking the lost.

Jesus heals the man at the pool of Bethesda with infirmity for 38 years on the sabbath day. John 5:5-9.

  1. The man was made whole, picked up his bed and walked. vs. 9.

  2. Jesus tells him “you are made whole, go and sin no more.” vs. 14.

  3. The Jewish leaders persecute Jesus and sought to slay him. vs. 16.

  4. Jesus’s reply: “My Father worketh hereto, and I work.” vs. 17.

  5. The Jewish leaders sought the more to kill him. vs 18.

  6. Jesus’s statement Honoring the Father and describes his united relationship to the Father. vs. 19-27.

  7. Jesus’s statement: “I and the Father are one” John10:30

Below is the audio message.

Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes.

My father worketh untill now & I work.

Below is the link to the typed notes

Working Father & Working Son.pdf

message given at Arabic Bible Church June 16, 2024

Working Father & working Son

Hidden Decay-Book of Hosea


Jesus parabolic teaching