Lucifer the Archangel
Lucifer is one of the three Archangels that existed when God created the heaven and the earth. Job 38:1-7.
Lucifer in Latin: bright morning star which refers to the planet venus when it rises in the morning.
Lucifer the Archangel
There are three Archangels mentioned in the Bible. Archangel in the Greek means chief angel. The Archangels lead ranks of angels who were created to be God’s ministers.
Michael is referred to by Daniel as one of the chief princes(Daniel 10:12-14). Also referred to by Jude when Michael disputed the devil about the body of Moses(Jude 1:9).
Gabriel appears to Daniel to interpret the vision he saw (Dan. 8:15-17). He also appeared to Mary the mother of Jesus to tell her she would conceive and bring forth a son and call his name Jesus(Luke 1:26-31).
Lucifer is referred to as the fallen angel that was cast out of heaven with his followers. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the morning… Isaiah 14:12-15.
Key Bible references to Lucifer the Archangel.
Satan was an annointed Cherub…was perfect till iniquity was found in him…Ezekial 28:14-17.
The fall of Lucifer. Isaiah 14:12-15. Lucifer’s pride and desire to supplant God led to his fall from heaven.
Jesus’s statement about Satan. Luke 10:1&17-19. Jesus said to his followers: I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Satan is the fallen Lucifer. He is the Devil who empowers the demons.
Satan made the world his domain by deceiving Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:1-7.
God rebukes Satan and predicts Satan’s defeat. Genesis 3:14-15.
Satan tempting Jesus. Matthew 4:1-11. This was a planned encounter for Jesus to resist, rebuke and humiliate Satan. Jesus the second Adam overcomes Satan and will “bruise Satan’s head”. Genesis 3:15.
Satan empowers false teachers. The Jewish leaders debating Jesus accuse Jesus of having a devil. Jesus tells them they are of their father the devil. John 8:36-49.
The angels that rebelled against God will be reserved unto judgement. Jude 1:6.
The war in heaven between Michael and the great dragon. This occurs after the dragon attacks the woman with a man child. The old serpent is called the Devil and Satan. Revelation 12:1-9.
The devil’s final judgment. He is cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:10.
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Posted on Facebook April 8, 2024.