Jesus farewell parables

The last three parables of Jesus on His final trip to Jerusalem

Jesus farewell parables.

The last six parable Jesus spoke were during His last trip to Jerusalem, after cleansing the Temple before His crucifixion. All six are in the Gospel of Matthew except for the parable of the wedding feast which is in Luke.

  1. Parable of the two sons instructed by their father to go work in the vineyard. Matt. 21:28-32.

  2. Parable of the wicked tenants. Matt. 21:33-46.

  3. Parable of the wedding feast. Luke 14:8-11.

  4. Parable of the ten virgins. Mat. 25:1-13.

  5. Parable of the talents. Mat. 25:14-34.

  6. Parable of the wise servant. Mark 13:33-37 & briefly mentioned in Mat. 24:42-43.

The last three parables focus on the theme of Christ’s upcoming departure and His second coming.

Before He begins the last trilogy of parables, Jesus speaks to His apostles about the end of the age and His second coming.

  1. Foretells the destruction of the temple. Matt. 24:1-2.

  2. His reply to the disciples request that He give them a sign of His coming and the end of the world. vs. 3.

  3. Jesus’s response-warning about false christs, false prophets, wars, famine, pestilence and the beginning of sorrows. vs. 4-12.

  4. Jesus tells of the coming of the great tribulation and the events following. vs.21,29.

  5. Jesus describes the coming of the rapture. vs.40-41.

  6. Jesus tells them to watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. vs.43.

Parable of the ten virgins. Matt. 25:1-13.

  1. The kingdom of heaven likened unto 10 virgins that took their lamps to prepare to meet the bridegroom. Five were foolish and five were wise. The vigins were friends of the bride that would go to the brides house and wait for the groom to come & get his bride & take her to his father’s home for the wedding ceremony.

  2. The bridegroom delayed his coming. He came at midnight while they slept. A cry was made-go out to meet him.

  3. The foolish ones had run out of oil for their lamps, could not get oil from the wise virgins and could not go to meet the bridegroom.

  4. The wise virgins went to the bridegroom and to his marriage and the door was shut. The wise vigins were friends of the bride.

  5. The foolish virgins were refused entry. The bridegroom says to them “I know you not.” Jesus had said “not everyone that saith to me Lord, Lord shall enter unto the kingdom of heaven…” Matt. 7:21-23.

  6. Jesus says: “watch therefore for ye know not when the Son of man cometh”

Parable of the talents. Matt. 25:14-30.

  1. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man travelling into a far country who delivers his goods to his servants. vs. 14.

  2. He gave to one servant 5 talents, to another 2 talents and to another one talent according to their ability. vs. 15.

  3. The servants with 5 and 2 talents show successful investing and doubling of their assets.

  4. The servant with 1 talent hides his Lord’s money with no increase.

  5. The Lord returns after a long period of time and recons with his servants. vs. 19.

  6. The servants that made gains were called faithful servants and rewarded.

  7. The lazy servant makes excuses and is called wicked & slothful, his talent is taken from him, given to him with 10 talents. he is then cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. vs. 26-30.

  8. Jesus’ interpretation of the parable: The Son of man shall come in his glory, all nations shall stand before Him…He separates the sheep & the goats. The righteous to inherit the kingdom. vs. 34. The cursed into everlasting fire…vs. 41.

Parable of the wise servant. Mark 13:33-37. Matt. 24:42-43.

  1. Watch therefore for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh. Matt. 24:42. Only God the Father knows. Mark 13:32.

  2. The Son of man is as a man taking a far journey and gave authority to his servants and to every man to work and commanded the porter to watch. vs.34.

  3. Watch therefore for ye know not when the master of the house—cometh at evening at midnight or in the morning…and find you sleeping. vs. 35-36.

  4. I say to you and to all, Watch. vs. 37.

Below is the message audio

Below is the link to the typed notes

Jesus farewell parables

Paul’s final journey


Grafted olive tree-Tree of Life