The Millennial Kingdom

The thousand year reign of Christ

The Millennium is the thousand year reign of the Christ on earth near the end of time. Rev. 20:1-6.

Brief overview of the book of Revelation.

  1. The Apostle John, while banished to the Isle of Patmos about 90 AD is given the final revelation of Jesus Christ to be delivered to the church predicting the most important events to occur before the end of time.

  2. John instructed to send letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor telling them of future events. Ch. 2-3.

  3. John’s vision of heaven and God sitting on the throne with a book having seven seals. Ch. 4-5.

  4. Foretelling the future tribulations. Ch.6-18.

  5. The triumph of the saints. Ch. 19.

  6. The millennial kingdom. Satan is bound and Jesus reigns for a thousand years. Ch. 20.

  7. A new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem descending from heaven. Ch. 21-22.

Prophesies referring to the reign of Christ.

  1. The Abrahamic covenant. In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:1-3.

  2. The Davidic covenant. Thy kingdom shall be established forever. II Samuel 7:12-13&16.

  3. The new covenant-I will be their God and they shall be my people. Jeremiah 31:33-34.

  4. The whole creation groaneth...waiting for the redemption of our body. Romans 8:21-23.

  5. The earth restored to peace and the nations will live in peace with Jesus as their ruler. Daniel 7:13-14.

  6. The Shepherd saves the flock. Ezekiel 34:12,22-23.

Features of the Millennial kingdom. Revelation 20:1-6.

  1. An Angel comes down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit. vs.1.

  2. The Angel binds Satan and casts him into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Then Satan is released. vs. 2-3.

  3. The first resurrection-the resurrection of the righteous dead who reign with Christ a thousand years. vs. 4.

  4. Characteristics of the righteous dead. vs. 4. Referred to in John 6:39-40.

  5. The rest of the dead did not live till after the thousand years were finished. vs. 5.

  6. Blessings of those that are a part of the first resurrection. vs. 6.

Events that follow the Millennial kingdom. Rev. 20:7-15.

  1. Satan loosened out of prison. vs. 7.

  2. Satan goes out to deceive the nations. He gathers Gog and Magog to attack the saints. Fire came down from heaven and devoured them. vs. 8-9

  3. The Devil cast into the lake of fire … to be tormented for ever and ever. vs.10.

  4. The great white throne and Him who sat on it…the earth and heaven fled away…vs. 11, Rev. 21:1

  5. The dead stand before God and are judged based on their recorded works. Books and the book of life. vs. 12-13.

  6. The second death: death and hell cast into the lake of fire. vs.14.

  7. Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. vs.15.

  8. John sees the new heaven and new earth, and the holy city new Jerusalem coming down from God…and He that sat upon the throne said, I make all things new. Rev. 21:1-2&5-7.

There are three views regarding the millennium.

  1. Premillenial position accepts the literal interpretation of Rev. 20:1-6 that Christ will return to earth (His second coming) to reign for 1000 years.

  2. Postmillenialism maintains that Christ’s second coming will be after the millennium. Many postmillenialists believe the millennium is symbolic and not literal, and began after Christ’s resurrection. Satan being bound means that he cannot prevent the advance of the Gospel.

  3. Amillenial position is that there is no literal 1000 year kingdom in that the kingdom of Christ exists now as Christ reigns in the hearts of his people-his church. Satan is bound now in that he cannot prevent the advance of the gospel and the salvation of the elect.

Below is the message audio

Below is the typed notes pdf

The Millennial Kingdom

Security of Salvation


Heaven, Hades & Hell