God’s Greatest Possession

God’s most valued possession.

God loves and cares for man.

God’s Creation. His creative acts.

  1. Before creating the physical universe including the heavens, the earth and its inhabitants, God created the Angels before time began including three archangels Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer(Satan).

  2. The angels were present including Satan, in his fallen state, when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.

  3. God asks Job “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Job 38:4-7.

  4. The Angels were created to worship God around His throne. Revelation 5:11-14.

  5. The Angels were to be ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. Hebrews 1:14.

God’s creation of the physical universe.

  1. The heavens and the earth without form. Day 1. Genesis 1:1-5.

  2. The dry land separated from the waters. Day 2. Genesis 1:6-10.

  3. The grass and the fruit. Day 3. Genesis 1:11-13.

  4. Separated the day from the night. Day 4. Genesis 1:14-19

  5. The beasts of the earth after their kind. Day 5. Genesis 1:20-25.

God’s final and unique creation which becomes His Greatest Possession.

  1. Creation of Man in His own image, “in the image of God created He him. Male and female created He them”. Genesis 1:26-27. Day 6.

  2. Details of God forming Adam with his own hands out of the dust of the ground is in Genesis 2:7a.

  3. Detail of God imputing a part of His being into man: God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7b.

  4. Detail of God forming Eve with his own hands using a rib He took from Adam is in Genesis 2:18,21-23.

Meaning of made in the image of God.

  1. A creature with INTELLECT and ability to know God.

  2. A creature with a WILL to obey or disobey God.

  3. A creature with EMOTION to enable loving and serving God.

God’s provision and expectation of man.

  1. The Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:8-9.

  2. God’s demand and expectation. Genesis 2:15-17.

  3. The waiting father running to welcome his prodigal son. Luke 15:20.

Reasons to believe that Humans are God’s most valued possession.

  1. Unique creation: formed by the hands of God.

  2. God breathed into man the breath of life and man became a Living Soul.

  3. God viewed humans as His sons and daughters and expected obedience and worship.

  4. God reached out to sinful man continually beginning in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:8-15.

  5. God made the first sacrifice for sin and clothed Adam and Eve. Genesis 3:21.

  6. God sent his son Jesus Christ to be a sacrifice for sin to restore sinful man.

  7. God provided for redemption and restoration of sinful man “Before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 1:4, Revelation 13:8.

below is the message audio

Below is the underlined link to the typed message notes.

God's Greatest Possession.pdf

This message was posted on Facebook Sept. 4, 2024.

God’s Greatest Possession

The Book of Daniel


Jeremiah The Weeping Prophet