Alone with God
Time with God alone.
Prophet Isaiah’s reply to God: “Lord here am I send me”
Times of being alone.
At times being alone is a feeling of lonliness and abandonment.
To some being alone is quiet and rest, but only for a time.
Being alone without God is too awful to describe.
Bible examples of Alone with God.
Adam was alone and God said “…I will make him an help meet for him.” Genesis 2:18.”
Enoch walked with God…and God took him. Genesis 5:21-24.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6:8. He was righteous and was delivered with his family from the flood. Gen. 6:18 & 7:1.
Abraham walked with God who sent him to the land of promise, and make him a blessing to all nations. Gen. 12:1-3.
Jacob was alone when God appeared to him in a dream of a ladder to heaven. Gen. 28:10-16.
Moses and the burning bush. God said “I will be with thee…” Exodus 3:2-3,11-12.
Joshua first king of Israel. God says to him “I will be with you as I was with Moses”. Joshua 1:1 & 5.
King David declares the Lord as his shepherd. Psalm 23:1-4.
Jesus the supreme example.
The boy Jesus in the Temple. “I must be in my Father’s house.” Luke 2:43-49.
Jesus in the desert for 40 days before the beginning of His ministry. Mark 1:9-13.
Jesus says “My Father worketh and I work.” John 5:17-19.
Jesus at Gethsemane separates from the apostles as he prays to the Father. Luke 22:40-44.
Jesus final words: “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23:44-46.
Below is the message audio.
Below is the underlined link to the notes pdf
Posted on Facebook July 4, 2024, & Oct. 9, 2024.