Jeremiah’s vision of Fig Baskets

God’s vision to the Prophet Jeremiah of two baskets of figs. Jeremiah 24:1-10.

Jeremiah’s vision of fig baskets

God’s message to Jeremiah after Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took the nation of Judah into captivity.

  1. Jeremiah had repeatedly predicted God’s judgement if they did not turn away from worship of idols. Jeremiah 10:3-4,11. Jeremiah 11:10.

  2. God speaks to Jeremiah about the false prophets. Jaremiah 14:13-16. Ch. 23:1.

  3. Word of the Lord to the king of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jeremiah 19:3-8. Ch. 21:10.

  4. Jeremiah had warned the nation 23 years before the captivity. Jeremiah 25:1-9.

The captivity of Judah

  1. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon carries away the captives. Jeremiah 24:1.

  2. Zedekiah, the princes and some of the citizens of Jerusalem fled to Egypt. Jeremiah 24:8 & Jeremiah 39:1-4.

God’s message to Jeremiah after Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took the nation of Judah into captivity.

  1. The vision of the fig baskets set before the temple of the Lord. Jeremiah 24:1-2.

  2. God’s question to Elijah and Elijah’s reply. What do you see? Elijah says the good figs and the bad, evil figs. Jeremiah 24:3.

  3. God’s intent for the good figs. He will be with the captives and restore them. Jeremiah 24:5-7.

  4. God’s interpretation of the bad figs. He will deliver them into the hands of their enemies to be consumed. Jeremiah 24:8-10.

Below is the message audio

Below is the underlined link to the notes pdf

Jeremiah's Vision of Fig Baskets.pdf

Jeremiah’s vision of Fig Baskets

Alone with God


Jeremiah’s questions to God