Christ on Trial

Jesus or Barabas

Jesus on trial, after His assault and capture.

  1. Christ before Annas the ex-High Priest.

  2. Christ tried by Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin.

  3. Jesus before Pilate the first time.

  4. Jesus before Herod Antipas the Tetrarch.

  5. Jesus before Pilate the second time. Pilate asks the Chief Priests: shall I release to you Jesus or Barabbas? They reply: release unto us Barabbas.

Below is the audio message

Christ on trial.m4a

Below are the underlined links to the original hand written notes

Jesus Christ's trials

Christ before Annas

Christ before Herod-Antipas

Christ before Pilot

Posted on Facebook Mar. 23, 2024.

Christ on Trial

Jesus in Gethsemane


Weapons of the Bible