Jesus in Gethsemane

Matthew 14:26-31 and Luke 22:31

Jesus’s announcement after the Lord’s Supper.

The struggle of the Apostles including Peter.

Striking of the Shepherd. Zech. 13:7a

Scattering of the sheep. Mark 14:27.

Gethsemane was the oilpress at mount olives.

Jesus suffering and praying alone to the Father: “Let this cup pass from me…Thy will be done”.

Jesus sweats like drops of blood. He must drink the cup of God’s wrath. The Angel appears to strengthen Him.

The mysteries of Gethsemane.

Below is the Audio message.

Below are the underlined links to click on to see the 3 original hand written notes.

On the road to Gethsemane

Jesus in Gethsemane

Gethsemane-the cup stops here

Posted on Facebook Mar. 23, 2024.

Jesus in Gethsemane

Jesus Crucified


Christ on Trial