Ezekiel’s Vision of Temple Idols

Ezekiel’s vision of idol worship invading the Temple in Jerusalem. He saw this vision while in Babylon during the Babylonian captivity of the nation of Judah. Ezekiel Chapter 8.

  1. The idol of Jealousy at the inner gate of Jerusalem-probably the Syrian goddess Astarte. vs. 1-5.

  2. Secret animal worship. The image of the abominable beasts and creeping things at the door of the temple court. vs. 6-10.

  3. The ancients of the house of Israel. Each in the chamber of his idol. vs. 11-12.

  4. At the door of the gate of the Lord’s house “sat women weeping for Tamuz”-the god of flocks. vs. 14.

  5. At the inner court of the Lord’s house he sees 25 men worshipping the sun god toward the east. vs.16.

  6. The house of Judah commits abominations to provoke God to anger…vs.17.

  7. God will deal in fury, will not have pity…and if they cry with a loud voice, will not hear them. vs. 18.

After 70 years God did restore the remnant of Judah. Jerusalem and the Temple of God were rebuilt, in preparation for the coming of the Jesus Christ. Ezekiel 11:16-20.

Below is the message audio of the book of the Prophet Ezekiel.

Below is the underlined link to the notes pdf

Ezekiel.s Vision of Temple Idols.pdf

Posted on Facebook July 12, 2024.

Ezekiel’s Vision of Temple Idols

The God who sees


Final Old Testament Prophecy