Jesus and Judas Iscariot

The false apostle

False Apostle defined; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

“Deceitful workers“

“Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ”

Prophesies regarding Judas

Mt. 27:9 Jeremiah’s prophecy: They took the 30 pieces of silver the price of Him that was value and gave them for the potter’s field.

Zechariah 11:12-13 Give my wages … they gave me 30 pieces of silver. The Lord said throw it to the potter field.

Exodus 21:32. Thirty pieces of silver was the price of a slave.

Psalm 41:9 My own familiar friend whom I trusted which did eat of my bread hath lifted up his heel against me.

Quoted by Jesus: John 13:18.

Isaiah 53: … He is despised and rejected of men ….

Jesus’s interactions with Judas.

1. Chosen as one of the 12 Apostles.

2. Rebuked Judas for criticising Mary for anointing the feet of Jesus. John 12:1-8.

3. Judas keeper of the money.

4. Jesus washes Judas’s feet.

5. Jesus gives Judas a dipped sop to identify who would betray Him & said to do quickly. Jn 13:21,26-27.

Is Jesus motivating & empowering Judas? Judas must accomplish his mission & fullfill prophesy.

Jesus’s declaration to the 11 disciples: John 13:31-32 “Now is the Son of man Glorified…

Judas’s mission accomplished: Mt. 26:46-50.

1. No hesitancy-well executed.

2. Why kiss Jesus? In those days it was an expression of respect & brotherly love.

It was hypocritical and cruel.

Posed as a friend. Psalm 41:9 Even my close friend … who shared my bread Psalm 55:12-14 …

Posed as my companion. Psalm 55:12-14.

Final goodby kiss. Mt.26:49. No sign of regret at this time.

Judas eventually is regretful Mt. 27:3-5

1. Returned the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders.

2. I have betrayed innocent blood. Jesus had been condemned.

3. Went and hanged himself.

What was Judas’s plan & expectation for betraying Jesus?

1. He desired a new earthly Davidic kingdom-the national Jewish expectation. Pilot aware of this. Luke 23:3 Art thou the King of Israel?

2. Wanted Jesus to go from Sacrificial Lamb (Redeemer Savior) to national delivere and restore the Davidic earthly kingdom of Israel.

Psalm 89:3-4. The Davidic Covenant - I have sworn unto David my servant thy seed will I establish forever & build up thy throne to all generations.

1. King Herod slew the children fearing that the New Born King would deliver Israel from Rome.

2. The New Davidic Kingdom promise will be fulfilled at Christ’s second coming.

Why did one of the 12 Apostles have to betray Jesus and die?

1. The nation of Israel in the Old Testament consisted of the 12 tribes.

2. The New Testament people of God & Of Christ are represented by the New Jerusalem.

Rev.12:12-14: On it’s 12 foundations were the names of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb.

Judas the zealous nationalist Jew would die to make a vacancy for Saul of Tarsus.

The final Apostolic call was to Saul of Tarsus who would become the Apostle Paul.

1. Saul of Tarsus was born in Tarsus a Greek city.

2. Saul of Tarsus was a Roman citizen.

3. He would replace Judas Iscariot becoming the 12th Apostle, Apostle to the Gentiles.

Overview of Jesus’s ministry:

1. Jesus began His ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Mt.15:24.

2. He would later reach out to Samaritans who were part Jew part Gentile. John 4:13-18

3. Then He would reach out to Gentiles. Mt. 15:21-28. Healing the daughter of the Canaanite woman.

4. Jesus’s final instructions to His disciples: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Final thoughts: Gods reaching out to man throughout the ages is amazing:


The fall of man

The 10 commandments scribed by God himself.

Judgement & mercy of God.

Promises of the Redeemer given from Eve to Abraham to Mary the mother of Jesus.

Fullfilled by The Suffering Saviour Redeemer Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ accomplished Reconciliation and Restoration of sinful man to God.

Below is the message audio.

Below is the link to click on to see the original hand written notes on Judas Iscariot.

Notes on Judas Iscariot

Below is the link to the typed notes.

Jesus and Judas Iscariot

Posted on Facbook Mar. 23,2024.

Jesus and Judas Iscariot

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