Jesus’s First Miracle

The beginning of the ministry of Jesus.

  1. Jesus baptised by John the Baptist. Mark 1:9-11.

  2. John the Baptist declares Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. John 1:29-34.

  3. Jesus calls the first four Disciples. John 1:35-51.

The setting for Jesus’s first Miracle. Recorded only in the Gospel of John. John 2:1-11.

  1. There was a marriage at Cana of Galilee. Mary his mother was there. This probably was a family or friends wedding. vs.1.

  2. Jesus and his disciples were invited. vs. 2.

  3. The servants panic because they ran out of wine. Mary tell Jesus “they have no wine.” vs. 3.

  4. Jesus’s surprising response “Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.” vs.4.

  5. Mary says to the servants “whatsover he saith to you, do it.”

Jesus turns water into wine. John 2: 7-11.

  1. Instructs the servants to fill the empty six waterpots of stone (eight gallons each) with water. vs. 7.

  2. Tells them to draw from the waterpots and serve the governor of the feast. vs. 8.

  3. The governor’s reaction. vs. 9-10.

Why did Jesus comply with his mother’s request? vs. 11.

  1. To honor his mother Mary who was aware of His Deity and wanted to share it.

  2. This was an opportunity for Jesus to begin His ministry, starting with His family and neighbors.

  3. Turning water to wine in all six large waterpots showed Jesus’s unlimited power and authority.

Below is the message audio

Below is the underlined link to the message notes pdf.

Jesus's First Miracle.pdf

Posted on Facebook Feb. 22, 2025

Jesus’s First Miracle

Jesus’s farewell prayer


The Shepherd King