The Beginning by Dr. David Brake
Church built late 1800 in Kharaba, Syria by Reverend Antoune Hamway, and the church is still standing.
Rev. Antoune Hamway was Rev. Abraham Brake’s maternal grandfather. He was a mason by trade. Later he became an itenerant banker.
Rev. Hamway met a traveling salesman/missionary and bought a Gospel from him. He read the gospel and was saved and shared his faith with his family and his village in Kharaba. The British missionary revisited the village and sought to send him to Haifa for Bible training.
Rev. Antoune did go to Bible school, returned home, ministered to his village and built a stone church(see above photo) that is still standing today and is being used.
Rev. Hamway led his nephew Waddi Haggai to Christ at age 7. Waddi Haggai would later come to the USA at age 15 intent on studying law. He was called to the ministry and was still preaching at age 86.
Rev. Hamway’s Daughter Shaha Brake was a Godly woman and influenced her son, Reverend Abraham Brake (My Father) to become a minister of the gospel. He attended Bible college in Beirut. In 1947 he was encouraged to come to the Unites States by his uncle Moses who had come to the US in 1905 and lived in Wyoming. After coming to the US, Rev. Brake attended Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada for one year. He then established the Middle East Evangelical Mission.
Shaha Brake also influenced a young man who was a neighbor-Jad Ghrayyeb to go into the ministry. He came to the United States and established the Voice of the Truth ministry in Colorado Springs, CO which now has a worldwide ministry to Arabs.
The orphanage and school started in 1963 and continued until the Lebanese civil war that started 1975. This required Rev. Abraham Brake to send the orphans to their relatives for safety reasons. After that Rev. Abraham Brake was martyred and the orphanage/school property was possessed by rebels.
Above: Photo of Rev. Abraham Brake at his house in Kharaba taken 1979 when Nancy & I visited my Dad Abraham Brake & the Churches he founded in Syria. DB
Our father Rev. Abraham Brake brought the family to the United States in 1955 but continued his missionary ministry in the five churches he founded in Syria including a church in Soueida, Salkad, & Shahba in southern Syria, and a church in Damascus (Above) and Homs, Syria.
He also established an orphanage and Christian School in Beirut, Lebanon.
Chidren and teachers at the orphanage & school
History of the orphanage & school in Lebanon
History of the orphanage & school in Lebanon
Rev. Abraham Brake notebook messages in Arabic
I brought this notebook of Rev. Brake from the Damascus Church in 1981 after Rev. Abraham Brake was martyred.
Rev. Abraham Brake’s first Bible given to him 1927 at age 13 yrs. probably by his mother Shaha.
Notes on the inside of Rev. Abraham Brake’s first Bible obtained from the Damascus Church after he was martyred .
Below is the underlined link to the typed notes
Posted on Facebook Mar. 10, 2024.