Mountain events in the Bible
Events in the Bible that occur on Mountains.
Mount Moriah.
Mount Moriah is a hill west of the Mount of Olives.
It is where God sent Abraham to bind his beloved son Isaac to prepare him for sacrifice. Genesis 22:1-19.
It was captured by King David and became known as Mount Zion. King Solomon built the Temple of the Lord on Mount Zion where the Ark of the Covenent was placed. 2 Samuel 5:4-7.
Mount Carmel. I Kings 18.
The Prophet Elijah is told by the Lord to go meet the wicked King Ahab. vs. 1
Elijah instructed to tells Ahab King of the northern Kingdom of Israel to send the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Ashera to Mount Carmel. vs. 17-20.
Elijah challenges them to build an altar and call upon their gods to send a fire. There was no fire. vs. 21-29.
Elijah builds an altar, covered it with water and prays to God. Fire comes down from heaven. vs. 30-39.
Elijah had all the false prophets killed. vs. 40-41.
Elijah prays to God to end the 3 year famine that God had brought as judgement on the kingdom of Ahab. vs. 42-46.
Mount Horeb.
Moses first encountered God in the Burning Bush on this mountain also referred to as Mount Horeb. Exodus 3:1-12.
God called Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt to the land promised to Abraham.
The Prophet Elijah is told by God to go to Mount Horeb after Queen Jezebel threatens to kill him after the death of the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. I Kings 19:1-2.
Elijah flees into the wilderness, sits down under a shrub, prays for death then sleeps. I Kings 19:3-4.
Angel of the Lord rouses him to eat and drink. Elijah travels 40 days & nights to Mount Horeb. I Kings 19:5-10.
God’s instruction to Elijah to annoint Elisha to be the prophet to succeed him. I Kings 19:19-21.
Jesus’s Mountain events.
Satan Tempting Jesus. Matthew 4:1-11.
Jesus often went up to the mountain, a solitary place to pray to His Father. Matthew 14:23
Jesus on the Mount of transfiguration, Mount Tabor. Matthew 17:1-9.
Jesus on the Mount of Olives. Jesus made many visits to the Mount of Olives.
Jesus visited the Mount of Olives three times in the last week of His earthly life.
First visit: Jesus’s Triumphal Entry. Luke 19:29-30. Jesus Looks at Jerusalem from mount Olives and weeps over the city. Luke 19:37,41-44.
Second visit after Jesus’s Olivet Discourse. Luke 21:37.
Third visit was after the Last Supper, the evening He was betrayed: The Garden of Gethsemane (the garden of the Oil-press) was on the eastern slope of Mount Olives. Luke 22:39-41.
Jesus was crucified on mount Golgotha outside the city of Jerusalem at the base of the Mount of Olives.
After his resurrection Jesus once again stood on the mount of Olives. Luke 24:50. He led His disciples to Bethany and blessed them.
After Jesus’s ascension, two angels told the Discilpes on the Mount of Olives of Jesus’s return. Acts 1:11.
Jesus’s second coming. The Prophet Zechariah speaks of Christ’s return (His second coming) and “His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives” where Jesus was betrayed. Zechariah 14:4,5b.
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Posted on Facebook Feb. 2, 2025.