Parable of the Mustard Seed

Mustard seed becoming a tree.

Parable of the Mustard Seed is one of the shorter parable of Jesus. It appears in Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32, and Luke 13:18-19.

Theme of the parable is The Kingdom of Heaven growing from small beginnings. “He came to his own and his own received him not”. John 1:11-12.

Although the smallest seed (Mark 4:31), the mustard seed's humble beginnings lead to remarkable growth. It becomes a tree up to 15 feet tall, and fowls of the air may lodge in it and under it’s shadow (Mark 4:32).

Symbolism of the Parable.

  1. The Seed represents the Word of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

  2. The fruitfulness is the result of faith in the Word of God that leads to Salvation through Jesus Christ.

  3. The Tree grows and expands with Great Branches. The Branches become shelters for the fowels of the air that may lodge under it’s shadow. Mark 4:32.

  4. Everywhere the Seed of God’s Word goes, lives are changed and societies are edified and can become shelters.

Everywhere the Seed of God’s Word has gone, culture has changed.

  1. Christians make up 32% of the world population.

  2. Orphanages for the fatherless and homes for the homeless are built.

  3. Comfort for the bereaved and care for the infirm is found.

  4. Churches are present for worship and fellowship. In some countries they are home churches.

Below is the message Audio

Below is the underlined link to the message notes.

Parable of the Mustard Seed

Better Live Dog than Dead Lion


Negligent Shepherds