1. Joshua led the people of Israel in the conquest of the land of Caanan.

  2. After Joshua was the period of the Judges consisting of 12 Judges up to Samuel.

  3. When Samuel became old he made his 2 sons judges but they were wicked men.

  4. The Elders of Israel said to Samuel “thou art old and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the other nations.” Samuel 8:4-5.

  5. Samuel is displeased as is God but God consents. vs. 22.

Below is the audio recording of the Introduction.


  1. Saul’s father’s donkeys are lost. Saul sent to look for them.

  2. While looking for his father’s lost donkeys he meets the prophet Samuel. God moves in mysterios ways to accomplish His purpose.

  3. Samuel annoints Saul and says: “the Lord has annointed thee to be captain over His inheritance” Sam. Ch.10:1.

  4. “And the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon thee.” Ch.10:6.

  5. “God gave him another heart…” Ch. 10:9.

  6. Saul declared King over Israel. “And all the people shouted and said ‘God save the King.” Ch10:24.

Below is the audio recording of Saul’s annointing.


  1. Saul defeats the Ammonites. I Samuel Ch.11:11-15.

  2. Samuel addresses the people: “if ye will fear the Lord, and serve Him and obey His voice…then shall ye and your king that reigneth over you continue following the Lord your God…Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your hearts: for consider how great things He has done for you.” Ch. 12:7, 14-15 & vs. 24.

  3. Saul’s son Jonathan smote a garrison of the Philistines. Ch. 13:2-4.

  4. The main Philistine army came to fight Saul. Saul’s army fled, Saul panicked. He did not wait for the Prophet Samuel but offered a sacrifice to God. Ch. 14:10-12. This violated the Mosaic law.

  5. Samuel says to him: “thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God …but now thy kingdom shall not continue.” Ch.14:14.

  6. Saul told to smite all the Amalekites and their possessions. He did smite them but spared Agag their king, the sheep & the oxen to offer as sacrifices. Ch. 15:9,21.

  7. Samuel said: “Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?” Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, He hath rejected thee from being king.” Ch. 15:22-23. He was not a man after God’s own heart as King David was.

  8. “The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul…” I Samuel 16:14. “…The Spirit of the Lord came upon David…”Ch.16:13.

  9. Evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul and he tried to kill David twice. I Samuel Ch.18:11 & Ch.19:10.

  10. Saul had the priests of Nob and their families (85 persons) killed because the priest gave David bread. (I Samuel Ch. 22:16-18) a very despicable act of jealousy.

  11. Saul went after David & his men to kill him. David spared Saul’s life. I Samuel Ch.24.

  12. Saul’s sons were killed in a war with the Philistines. Saul was wounded by an archer then fell on his own sword and died. I Samuel Ch. 31.

  13. Saul died at age 62. Saul reigned over Israel for 32 years.

Below is the underlined link to click on to see the Hand written notes of the reign of King Saul

scanned hand written notes

first posted Sept 18,2022


He trod the winepress alone


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